THE PROBLEM WITH CHRISTIAN BUMPER STICKERS. So Deda and I were coming down Johnston Road in Balantyne earlier today, when the lunch-hour traffic came to a grinding halt. The sign said MEN WORKING... But there was no one in sight. What we did see were lots and lots of ... ORANGE BARRELS. You know the feeling: youre stuck in traffic with hundreds - maybe thousands of cars - and suddenly your lane is closed. Youre blocked off with those infamous orange barrels. To add to the stress level: the drivers in the other lane were inching along, ignoring those of us suddenly blockaded by the NC-DOTs orange plastic drums ... UP AHEAD WE SAW A SIGN ... An upward pointed arrow. The result of a very successful branding campaign of the local Rock-n-Roll Contemporary Church in affluent South Charlotte. The arrow pointed the way, a divine directive plastered on the rear window of a very large SUV. The problem however, was that the guy behind the wheel of this SUV was doing his level best to ignore the plight of those around him. Inching his car forward in an aggressive pattern of I dare you! All the while carefully avoiding eye contact! You know the feeling: Id rather not be bothered! ... To be fair, weve all have felt that way. ABOUT THAT TIME OUR EYES MET... I beeped my horn -- determined to be noticed -- and not to be ignored! I motioned for the fellow driving the SUV to roll down his window. WHAT??!!!! He said, angrily, as he rolled down his window. Do you go to __(blank)___ church??!, I asked with an expectant smile. Yes! Do you? No, I said, but I would like to get in front of you, please! DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO TO YOU... He was stunned! To say the least. It is the golden rule of a civilized society. Whether it is holding the door for others, not turning the channel when an appeal is made to feed starving children, or simply extending to someone else the courtesy we would want for ourselves. GETTING OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONES. Following Jesus is not easy - He never said it would be. If you are going to proclaim yourself as a follower of Jesus, then be prepared to get out of your comfort zone. Christianity is not about ease, or comfort, or even cultural acceptance. Its about getting out of the box - and encountering the world in all of its distress, discomfort, and -- yes -- its disapproval. Take up your cross -- Jesus said -- and follow me. God bless you as you follow our LORD. --Bill Wiley
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:53:38 +0000

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