THE PROBLEM WITH THE SCAM ( Stupid Coalition Against Maada) By - TopicsExpress


THE PROBLEM WITH THE SCAM ( Stupid Coalition Against Maada) By Josephine Koroma (Iron Lady) A SCAM is a SCAM, whether it is 419 to defraud people along PZ or Eastern Police, whether it was the SCAM election result which Christiana Thorpe announced in the face of over-voting and ballot box stuffing or whether it is handful of people DESPERATELY attempting to defraud the majority of SLPP members off their most popular candidate – Julius Maada Bio – to return the party to Government. So in this article I will deal with the SCAM within the SLPP and in doing so I will endeavour to deal with two segments of this SCAM – The Team JOB from Germany and the Helicopter Movement from the SKY. The first segment of the SCAM is Team JOB whose candidate is also qualified to contest to become the German Chancellor (Bundeskanzler – a German name JOB will be familiar with). The shameful spectacle of John Benjamin was once eloquently stated by his long term friend, Sylvia Blyden when she wrote as Mohamed Azonto Kamara in her article “NO MORE GRANDPAS FOR PRESIDENCY…” that “Come 2018, it will be time for those who will be in their fifties by then…….It certainly will not be the time for any old papa like John Benjamin who should be gracefully packing out of active presidential politics.” And in life there is no better person to give an advice to “lover-boy” than his “lover-girl” (Curtsey of President Koroma’s International Media Adviser). Therefore, when John Benjamin in a recent interview with Metro Newspaper on Tuesday 21st October that “Maada Bio is not Marketable”, maybe if JOB had not embezzled Le 423 million of the fees paid by aspirants for the SLPP flagbearership election leading up to the 2012 elections then he can give us a lecture on marketability. And if JOB said that Maada Bio is not marketable in Western Area but on Thursday 15th November 2012 at the final rally in Freetown JOB saw hundreds of thousands of people who came out proudly to support a young and energetic Julius Maada Bio, it goes to show that a man who cannot account for $60,000 donated to SLPP by President Goodluck should never be trusted to give an account of Maada Bio’s popularity. Interestingly, when the JOB’s “chop money” crisis hit the SLPP it was the APC’s Mohamed One Drop Sankoh in one of his articles who asked: “…..but why should the SLPP national Chairman and Leader perennially give his party faithful the impression of him having sticky fingers or a sort of kleptomaniac DNA?” Maybe, the saving grace for John Benjamin is that if he does not qualify to contest for Presidency because his father (German Origin) is or was not of a NEGROID ORIGIN, he can still pursue his political ambition in Germany where they can tolerate his GRANDPA ambition. So instead of granting interview to abuse Julius Maada Bio and making himself a nuisance during this time of ebola crisis he should be asking for forgiveness to all SLPP members for his legacy of embezzlement as a “Chop-our-Money” Chairman or provide answers to APC’s Mohamed One Drop Sankoh about his sticky fingers or Kleptomaniac DNA. Another segment within the SCAM which seems to be desperate for attention nowadays, is the Helicopter Movement. I also recently saw that the supporters of the Helicopter has given themselves a new name abbreviated as SKY (Supporters of Kandeh Yumkella); the name is no coincidence because “Helicopter only flies in the SKY” and not on the ground. But at least you can understand with JOB that whatever you say about him he is a fully registered SLPP member though he needs to account for the thousands of dollars he chopped. For those in the SKY with the Helicopter politician, they must be the only people in SPACE who think a party as responsible as the SLPP can elect someone as flagbearer who has never openly said he is an SLPP member. Maybe out of their imagination because they live in the SKY, these few people think that SLPP will ever elect someone who has never visited SLPP headquarters, any SLPP office, never participated in SLPP function and never contributed a penny towards SLPP. But maybe we ask too much because if a man has never VOTED IN AN ELECTION then how do we expect him to visit a party office. What the helicopter politician does not understand is that he can use his money to buy the souls of few people who are desperate for cash and like a remote control he presses the button from New York or Switzerland but no amount of money will never buy the SOUL of SLPP. We know too well how so called “political movements” end up when the majority of people in SLPP reject their LOUSY candidate, the next thing is to form an independent party to carry the few who MONEY CAN BUY. That is why Columba Blango is heading the few in UK, maybe he still has the old PMDC pamphlet on how to form a breakaway party. But we are all waiting for the helicopter politician to declare so at least the public can ask questions about his links to a certain South American Drug Lord, the SWEETHEART “lover-girl” working at State House and the many other few dirty secrets. At least when a UN diplomat wants to make a career change to be a national politician or public servant the public will deserve the right to know more just as over the years the public have asked questions about other national politicians like President Koroma, Julius Maada Bio, V.P Sam Sumana, John Benjamin and others. So now five months into the Ebola outbreak which has infected over 3,000 and killed over 1,000, the helicopter politician has landed in Freetown. It is only a DRUNKEN Commander-in-Chief who will NEGLECT his own people for five months and then come around SMILING after more than 1,000 have lost their lives and more than 3,000 infected. As one insider in the Helicopter Movement or “Money-Chopping Machine” told the writer “Yumkella get small money for cam waste pan politics so for now we go eat with we mot but when di tem reach we go vote with we head”. Well at least this article is just a warning shot to those in SCAM especially the German Candidate and the Helicopter Candidate that our country is now in health crisis so let us focus on this national tragedy and pray for our country and people. But members in the SCAM to defraud the SLPP should make no mistake that any attack on Julius Maada Bio will be adequately rebutted.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 01:42:58 +0000

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