THE PROCESS OF THE VICTORY OF VICTOR KOLADE AKINJO: It was not to be a smooth ride but that the ordination of God was sacred and sacrosanct beyond human comprehension. Its a battle in Labour Party. However, as a loyal and obedient follower of the Iroko of Nigeria politics, the tune of the music dictated the necessary change in the dance steps. PDP here we come became the new chorus! Since politics demands negotiations through classical dialogues, sharing arrangement agreed on via the dialogue, bestowed the opportunity for the renewed contest. But the contest was not to be uncontested since varied interests and aspirations were to be checkmated even classically too. Daunting opposition mounted and like one thrown into a deep sea, the need to buffet the wailing waves of the deep sea could not be compromised. Who knows if with more efforts one could successfully swim ashore? The struggle for survival was to be fierce but had to be allowed to curry intellectual soundness and comical bravery. At times like this one has to deploy comical bravery rather than the bravery of a villain. So its a battle of wits and determination. The heroes of the struggle were not to be the expected ones but by providence, the former spoilers. How crash landing has it suddenly become when a perceived enemy become a Messiah? For, on the 5th April, 2014, Kingsley Kuku was one of the active villains on the political field. O how so combatant he was even on the 6th the next day when the results of the election were to be declared! But in the current struggle Kingsley Kuku has been the main man, the prince of peace. To God be the glory! Hon. Kingsley Kuku is the Special Adviser to the President of the country on Niger Delta Affairs. He is a man that has such enormous power but allows the fear of God to guide his use of his opportunities and paraphernalia of office. In the spirit of Benjamin Franklin, he believes that there is no bad peace and there is no good war. As a social bridge builder, hes chosen to unify and harmonise the whole divergent interests and to his credit and the glory of God we are where we are today. On the primary election day which was 6th December, 2014, he brought everybody together. All the critical stakeholders, like Chief Ebiseni, Chief Debo Ajimuda. Mrs Ebiwonjumi who is the PDP State Woman leader, Barr John Ola Mafo, the other two aspirants- Engr. Atimise and Basorun Kukute, etc to ensure a hitch free electoral process. And as demanded by all the delegates, Hon. Victor Kolade Akinjo was unanimously endorsed as the consensus candidate of the party. There and then all the three aspirants embraced and cheered the delegates and the party faithfuls.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:41:38 +0000

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