THE PRODUCT OF CHOICES 1 Sam 8:1-21. The Israelites desire was - TopicsExpress


THE PRODUCT OF CHOICES 1 Sam 8:1-21. The Israelites desire was to be like the other nations and they are willing at all cost to have a king rule over them contrary to Gods will for them. They sat together but without God to make a decision and made their decision known to Samuel. Their decision upset Samuel, but he was patient not to allow his impulse direct his sense of judgement or to make an irrational decision. And Samuel went to the Lord for advise; and there in his meeting with God, he received an instruction on what to do next and how to go about the situation. The subsequent verse shows the products of the choices made by the Israelite(vs 10-21). Friends, as we live our daily lives, carry out our daily routines, and in one way or the other, we are faced with several choices to make. To eat you make choices, to sleep you make choices, to go to school you will have to make a choice, even my write up is a choice. But whatever choice you make in life there is always a consequence: some consequence are rewarding, some unredeemable and some punishable. Whatever you have become today was as a result of a choice you made earlier; you are a product of your choice. How you made that choice is now what baffles me. Is your decision made by impulse or with an enquiry from God? Does your choice makes you godly or godless? Two things forms your choices in life: your desires and your will. Desires may be conceived when you begin to look at others and start a comparison check. Your will is initiated based on your desires. Both makes you a choice in life. My problem: when your desires negates Gods plan for your life and your will is to pursue it, then i see a godless product, it implies that you want to alter Gods plan for your life. Your desires which are not rooted in Christ will always lead you to a path that seems right to you, but the end of that path is destruction often times beyond repair. How often do you go up to God before making an impulsive choices? You
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:09:56 +0000

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