THE PROGRAM EPISODE TWO : ROOM 205 I entered the room after - TopicsExpress


THE PROGRAM EPISODE TWO : ROOM 205 I entered the room after turning key anticlockwise twice. On entering the room the first thought that crossed my mind was OK, not bad.. Not bad at all. Fully furnished air conditioned room, with two neatly arranged beds, ( that was expected), and a TV ( that wasnt) greeted me. It was adequately large to accommodate two people. I placed my luggage on the bed and started checking out the room. First thing to check out was the pre requisite for every smartphone user, the wifi connection. I called up the reception and in a matter of factly tone , asked for the pin for Wifi Accessibility . All was lost, when, the receptionist in the same cheery tone replied that there was No Wifi!!! . How would I live now. Maybe the Cab that I came in, is still there some where. Despair. Total Despair. To cheer myself up I tried concentrating on all the things that I could do without Internet connection. Nope. Found none. In that moment of unprecedented doom, I started to unpack my things, and arranging them not so neatly in the cupboards and almiras provided. It took me around half an hour to arrange my belongings. The only task that was left now was to choose a bed. A bed on the left, towards the door, would present me with control over door moments. Also, it was properly and aerodynamically placed to get appropriate amount of air either from an open window, air conditioner or the good old fan. The bed on the right, would present me an opportunity to quickly access the washroom, control over temperature regulator and was technically nearer to window. Indecisiveness prevailed. I needed to pick a scientific and analytically proven methodology of choice making. So, after 3 rounds of inkie pinkie ponky the bed on the washroom side emerged as a clear winner. I sent a distress signal in my Watsapp group of COE that Wifi was not available and was hoping that someone would include a 3g Dongle in their emergency kit. I took out my casuals and went for a hot water bath, just to calm myself. Just as I got out and got into my casuals I heard the door knock. I opened the door to see a guy flashing out an incredibly warm smile. Hi, Im Karthik Jain, Im the admin of our watsapp group, as such , he said still maintaining that smile. Oh, Hi buddy , I replied returning the smile and shaking his hand Hi, he said, again Hi again, oh , Im sorry please come in, I was just unpacking my things, come come , I said still smiling...........................(To Be Continued)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:09:54 +0000

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