THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY 113 Some occult experimenters - TopicsExpress


THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY 113 Some occult experimenters believe that it is the subconscious Will which is strengthened, that it is the subconscious Will which suddenly bursts forth . This is not true ! The subconscious Will is super-powerful at all times ! It is the stress of expression which is strengthened and bursts forth-it is not the subconscious Will itself. Remember, the subconscious mind and the subconscious Will are two different things . You could not strengthen the subconscious Will so that it would burst forth by night . What you do is to strengthen the impression in the subconscious mind, the stress of expression, and this merely acts as a suggestion to the subconscious Will, which carries out the suggestion . You make the impression-habit, routine, desire, etc .-so strongly established in the subconscious mind that it comes to the surface, or remains on the surface, after you go to sleep, and thus acts as a suggestion-which it really is-to the subconscious Will . Suppressed desire, broken habit and routine are the three outstanding factors that stress the subconscious mind and cause unintentional projection-provided, of course, other factors are favourable . Routine is any regular course of action adhered to day after day-work, pleasure, etc . If you could watch an unconscious projector during the course of the projection, you would often see that the phantom was following the routine which the subject was accustomed to follow during the day . The subconscious mind has the action so deeply rooted in it that the phantom begins to follow its habitual course . Routine and habit are more or less intermixed .
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:22:45 +0000

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