THE PROLOGUE AND PRELUDE AS ONE:GAG THE MEDIA IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO UN EARTH THE CONSIPIRACY THEORY UNFOLDING IN THE COUNTRY, MOST OF WHICH IS PRECIPITATED BY THE MARCH 4TH GENERAL ELECTION AND THE ON GOING ICC CASES, IT ALMOST APPEARS LIKE THE WEST GATE SIEGE, THE MEDIA BILL, THE NOW EVER INCREASING ACCIDENTS ON BUSSES TO LUO LAND AND NOW THE ARSON ATTACK ON NYAKACH MP IS ALL BUT JUST A SMOKE SCREEN, MEANT TO BLIND THE UN SUSPECTING FROM SCHEMES BENEATH; to me it appears those under siege do not have the requisite wisdom and capacity to forestall an eminent economic allienation,because if it were not so the National Intelligence Service-NIS- would not be in the deep slumber that they have deliberately elected to slip into; what is being canvassed in Nyakach as cattle rustling is a farce, or at least if that was not so, the security agencies would have incarcerated the Nyakach MP but still address the root problem, AND WITH THE NIS BEHAVING LIKE THE WEST GATE MALL WAS A TOO BIG AFFAIR FOR THEM TO UN EARTH,THEY STILL POSE LIKE THE NYAKACH SITUATION IS TO SMALL TO CATCH THEIR ATTENTION; Lately we have been waking up every morning to screams of media gagging, and the media has made sure the best spot to place their screams is on the daily headline, they have also wittingly managed to whip the chief oppositionists from Nyanza to their side and you pose to ask yourself of what good benefit has the media been to them. THE SAME MEDIA DECIDED, WITHOUT ANY GAG LAWS IN PLACE TO TURN A BLIND EYE TO THE MISCHIEF THAT SURROUNDED THE LAST GENERAL ELECTION, THEY INSTEAD KEPT US WITH never ending views of LONG QUES ROUND THE CLOCK as though everything else was running so smoothely!-SO WHOSE WATCHDOG WERE THEY,that the oppositionists now come to their defense?its a case of natural innocence or NAIVETY in concise terminology. IF EVER THERE WAS ANYTHING I DON’T CARE ABOUT,IT WOULD BE THE MEDIA LAWS AS PROPOSED,MUCH AS I AM AWARE WHAT THEY PORTEND-Reason being that the media has always shown their ability to gag themselves even when the situation demands otherwise, there have also behaved irresponsibly, reporting without due consideration of the viewer-if ever there was a moment that live pictures required a delay and censorship, it was at the west gate mall siege-they failed to self regulate as is proposed-so to me the media council should sit back, open mouth wide and wait for the stuffing, or close it and wait for plaster of Paris on behalf of all the media houses-they have never risen to the occasion anyway. It is in public domain that media ownership and licensing is skewed towards 1 or 2 communities, perhaps the reason there was a conspiracy that no media house ever reported any mischief on or around march 4th.some happenings when critically looked into can reveal a bigger picture than what is being displayed, the pull out of ICC clamour,the media gagging bills, the tyranny of numbers against every good legislation, the piecemeal release of county funds-makes me feel like Luo Nyanza is under siege, ranging from county take off, to schemes towards the next election being hatched now. The Nyakach scenario is a situation that could have been nipped, but because it appears to turning out as pre designed the victims are the ones who will be behind bars due to deliberate mediocrity, selective deployment of ill equipped security forces and believe me we are headed for a pre meditated ethnic clash and with the NIS behaving like a drooling cow, we can’t expect much, I can only urge my fellow luo Jews to know we are under siege, our temperament is known and has been used by the schemers to predict and plan our miseries, makes me skeptical if ever devolution is going to spur Nyanza to any meaningful height considering we have been set up to fail and we are falling for it, all these hurdles about county independence/interdependence is all about Kidero,and the Nyanza counties, if the proud arrogant luos will not adopt a think tank rational collegiate around this trap, the design shall prevail, we are going to be drawn INTO an ethnic war with kalenjins and later all our neighbours,every good ally will be pulled away from us and at the lapse of these term our four counties will be miserable and we shall be without an ally to approach the next election and I know a scheme to that effect is in its final phase and is being tested on the ground, it is the reason we are pulling out of ICC,we are gagging a media that already suffers selective amnesia, it’s the reason cattle rustling is going to heighten with our neighbours,the reason there’s going to be difficulty accessing devolution funds meant for this side of the country. AND REALISTICALLY COME TO THINK OF IT;ITS GOING TO BE INCREASINGLY VERY NARROW FOR OUR MAN TO ASCEND TO THE DESIRED HOUSE BECAUSE WE HAVE DECIDED TO BE CHEAPLY PREDICTABLE AND OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES;TONE DOWN THE RHETORIC, PRIDE,SELFISHNESS and oppositionist tendencies please.REMEMBER,biblically SAMSON had the strength, But DELILLAH and her cronies realized their weaknesses, and that began the paradigm shift.gigi wasekao is a phrase that cannot be idolized since it describes our overzealous pre-emptive nature. GOOD NIGHT- National Intelligence Service-- drool on!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:25:36 +0000

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