THE PROMOTION OF JUNIOR STAFF MYTH OR REALITY!!! It is generally admitted that, the aspiration of any civil servant is to have been promoted from one cadre to another so that he could taste the fruitful of his labour. Rationally, civil servants could be upgraded from the certain salary grade level after having completed his/her in-service training but this was an impracticable in the local governments of the Yobe State since the inception of this administration led by Gov. Ibrahim Geidam had ferociously denied the promotion and the implementation of the junior staff as to this development we hereby appealed to His Excellency to help us to be promoted as from the salary Grade level 03-06 and 07 respectively. This was one of your promises you have made during the 2011 campaign. In fact, almost all your promises you made two third of the promises have been fulfilled but as to the promotion of LG workers couldn’t materialized yet. In the previous administration which you have inherited from the late Mamman Ali make no difference in the promotion of LG workers. Furthermore, the promotion of the LG staff is one of the rule of civil service as it encapsulated in the Civil Service Rules 1988, Local Government Reform. To this end, Local Government Service Commission is a body designated by the constitution to maintain the discipline, promotion and transfer of the senior staff across the state whereas, the LG promotes its staff from the salary Grade level 03-06 with the advice of LGSC. In the same vein, the state has approved the payment of gratuity, pension and fringe benefits of the retired workers with immediate effect this is welcome development as far as to the local government employees. Furthermore, we do request the state government to expedite the implementations of the promotion which have been concluded by the various LGAs in the state over a years, without making further arrangement as to the payment of these promoted workers. In bureaucracy, the gratification, motivation and promotion were the springboard of successful administration in every civilized organization. More so, the doctrine of promoting civil servants made our high ranking officers today and the governor himself if he could able to cast his mind back to the day when he was employed up to this day elected as governor of the state. He had been a school teacher at the various places since old Borno. After state creation, he deployed to YBSG as Senior Accountant at the Yobe State Ministry of Youths and Sports, and he has been upgraded from this position to the Permanent Secretary of the said ministry. He also became a commissioner of this ministry respectively, without the doctrine of promotion he could had not been promoted to such positions which he held during his stewardship in the civil service. Early, 2010 attempt has been made to implement the promotion which is successfully carried out by the governor with his departure to the holy land Mecca, the officials in the so-called Ministry Of Local Government And Chieftaincy Affairs seized the opportunity to have inflated the figures of the ‘’Salary and Arrears’’ which every promoted staff could have earn each month but this commendable action that has put in place was frustrated by the corrupts officials who manage the implementation exercise, this unpatriotic act of these officers enraged the governor to suspend the on-going implementation indefinitely. Upon this scandal, the governor took punitive action against those who sabotages public funds through perpetration of ghostworkers, and public embezzlement we equally caught amidst this crisis of war against ghostworkers in the state launched by the governor 2012, which also affected many genuine staff in the process of purging out ‘’Fake Staff’’, thus, we indeed lost a lot as far as to these fringe benefits and promotion implementation. In so far, we found ourselves in despair that no any implementation shall be approved again and have stuck in GL03. What is unfortunate! There is no sign of remorsefulness showed by those officers over their squalid action which was shrouded by the political consideration of the time…
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 20:29:20 +0000

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