THE PROPS OF LIFE: MOTHER TERESA REMEMBERED Joseph gave them wagons, ... a change of clothes, ... ten donkeys loaded with corn, bread, and other food for the journey. Genesis 45:21, 22, 23 A few years ago a woman died in India. She was revered and mourned throughout the world. A few weeks later the truth came out about her estate. She had left behind a pair of sandals, a sari and a nun’s habit. Nothing else. Her name was “Mother Theresa”. She had achieved universally acknowledged greatness without any of the props of life that we all cherish and work for. How important are they? Even in the simple life of four thousand years ago it was quite an operation getting Jacob and all his family from southern Israel to Egypt, a distance through the desert of approximately two hundred and fifty miles. Even without the belongings, which the Pharaoh had ordered them to leave behind, it was quite a trek. We all have some props that we treasure - though they are really only bits of wood, pottery, glass or machinery. Our existence hinges around them and they become part of the environment on which we depend - Granddad’s old chair, an album of photographs, a child’s teddy bear, and so on. But our life is much more than the props we accumulate. Jesus managed without them. He borrowed a stable in which to be born, a boat from which to preach, a donkey to ride into Jerusalem, a passer-by to carry his cross and a tomb in which to be buried. And yet the one prop that was really his own was his cross and it is by that cross that we understand and interpret his life and his sacrificial love which are our salvation and hope.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 08:27:29 +0000

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