THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE IS NON NEGOTIABLE FOR ME In the last few months I have come under intensed bombardment especially from entities outside social media for my compromised stance in being silent and not taking a stand to protect the interest of my benefactor and governor of Rivers State. The psychological assault arising from the verbal attacks on me is one that I have had to manage delicately in order not to allow snowball into a crises that would totally destroy the relationships I have built with people over time especially that of His Excellency, the governor. Truly, it would be true if said, that I have been silent, given the fact that I was one who initiated online support bases and for over 5 years championed the cause for the Governor courageously and totally. Silence was the necessary reaction as a matter of respect for my relationship with the Governor not necessarily for his benevolence, which too, cannot be wished away especially with regards to my education and his benevolence is legendary. He is really a sweet spirit and kind hearted person. While frantic efforts were made by me to reach him without success and I was continually hindered by his close aides from accessing him which would have afforded me the opportunity to understand the thinking behind his positions and explain my frustrations and reservations as was the case in his first term in office, I could only have kept quiet as a mark of respect than to openly vent by frustrations on social media. Prior to his emergence as Governor, I often communicated the need for him to pursue Excellence in service and only reward such since it was the only sure way of promoting the ideal. At the time, I was frustrated by the growing recognition militants were having resulting in their swelling ranks and knew it was only a matter of time before all hell would break loose within the polity. Upon his emergence, he did quite well to balance the forces and show a different and better picture of governance. He restored sanity to the polity and gained national prominence as the Superman of Rivers State. He pursued governance vigorously and quickly altered the geography of the state for good and gained the love of Nigerians which sadly is being eroded by a brand of politics, same from the past, that couldnt and will never have the capacity to sustain his laudable initiatives in governance. Politics and Governance are siamese twins that cannot be developed in isolation of the other. That we have now been brought right to our very knees as a people and unable to progress under the cloud of uncertainty that daily hovers over and around us is a fact alive on our faces and in hushed tones at street corners. This is not the Rivers of our dream. We appear to be back again where we earlier started, though this time with more vicious divisions within our ranks and with multilateral crises of international dimension. We as a people have dug ourselves deeper into holes than we initially had to fill up; but we shall not bury ourselves in them. Progress is still possible and the crises arent without solutions. Personally, I must say that the crises are unnecessary as government is big enough to accommodate every person and all interests within the limits of acceptable standards. Secondly, I believe leadership is pivotal to securing a peoples happiness and wellbeing and where that is not the case, queries must be made. I also believe governance is too huge a responsibility to be laced to the waist of one individual alone but around systems that must be designed and empowered to deliver on mandates developed by the leadership which are aimed at securing the happiness and wellbeing of the vast majority. It is therefore sickening beyond comprehension when issues of governance are raised by probing minds and they are misinterpreted to be attacks on individuals in government. It is also very sad and shouldnt be the case. Government is a system not a person and as such needs be structured to pursue excellence. These are my frustrations. In my dreams I envision a Rivers State of equal opportunities for all where the pursuit of excellence strikes chords and leads to feats of excellence championed by Rivers people both globally and locally in an atmosphere of peace, shared aspirations and brotherliness. Not a place where ethnocentric and parochial standards reign supreme. These divisions among our ranks are totally unnecessary and we need to close ranks. I have made personal decisions that I believe will help to resolve the crises in the state and they are but not limited to: 1. As a citizen continue to support Government to serve the people better. 2. Maintain my relationship with Rivers people across all divides and reach out to them to bridge the gaps. 3. Work on a middle ground that will drive for excellence from 2015 and beyond. On the middle ground, youd agree with me that none of the parties in these crises will accept to be lorded by the other or willingly concede to the other. That will never happen and if we let them try, theyd bury us. So we must find a middle ground. We must find individuals who have the capacities to unite Rivers people regardless of our present political affiliations and entrust them with our leadership. Such individuals must have pedigree, proven capacity and the competence to make government work as it should. If we fail to do this, then post 2015, thats if it even ever happens, will be a graduation of the absurd. I have chosen and devoting my energies to working with one who I believe fits into that mould: Hon. Nimi Walson-Jack. I am not selling him to you. You are free to research on him and Please like I have said, find people who can unite us and keep us progressing. But this is one individual I believe will achieve the purpose and strengthen the foundation for sustaining excellence in public service. His life has been all about that. The current government has done a lot to bring us out so let us close the page of divisiveness among our people. We are one Rivers. We have a shared history and we must secure the future for our childrens children and their children. My brothers and Sisters let by-gone be by-gone. Forgive me where I erred. I hold no grudge against anyone. My heartbeat is the pursuit of excellence and it is frustrating to live below that. Thanks for understanding.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 07:21:19 +0000

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