THE QUALITY OF YOUR CHURCH SERVICE Have you considered the - TopicsExpress


THE QUALITY OF YOUR CHURCH SERVICE Have you considered the quality of your Church service? Consider this imaginary test to assess yourself and your Church: With your current personal standards of quality and finesse, put yourself in the congregation as one invited to your Church; would you look forward to coming again? Would you be comfortable and feel at home in Church? Would the praise and worship segment minister to you; and would you appreciate or dislike the way the Pastor addressed the members and leaders? Was the venue clean and tidy, or were there cobwebs hanging all over the place? If there are cobwebs hanging all over the roof of your Church, you’ll think the cleaners are responsible, but the congregation will think you are responsible. It’s just like watching the poorly produced TV program of a preacher. Even though the editors were responsible for the poor production, the audience will think the preacher is at fault. Have you taken out time to consider your ushering team and the way they relate with the members? If you were invited, would you like to stay? The work of ushering is very spiritual therefore your ushers must be conscious of this and at all times be spiritual as they discharge their duties. Some ushers have driven many people away from the Church because they lack training on what is expected of them. Untrained ushers can act as reducing agents in the Church by driving people away. Don’t forget that these ushers are individuals with their own personalities and character traits. Some could even have ego issues; for example, an usher tells a man to seat on a particular seat, and because he refuses, the usher becomes angry for the rest of the service and vents it on the other members he attends to. I once heard of an usher who insisted that a man should seat on a particular seat, and the man replied, is it by force? The usher said, yes, and if you cannot obey me, just leave this place! Pastors, if you thought these things weren’t important and you haven’t been taking them seriously, you should reconsider from today, because no matter how good you are at preaching, there are other things people will look at in the House of God that will be attributed to you. What does your venue look like? You may have just started, and your venue may be a small place, but you’re planning to grow rapidly to get a big one in the shortest possible time. Pending that time, take care of the small venue you have. You can make that venue very beautiful that it’ll stand out in the whole community, and everyone will want to come there. Even if your venue is in a slum community, make a difference! After all, thats why youre there in the first place, to make a difference. Improve your venue regularly. You should not attend the Church service like the rest of the congregation with little knowledge on the preparations of the venue managers, Choir, ushers and other service departments. You should be involved in the processes to ensure that the highest quality is attained at every service. These things are very important in ensuring the Church grows as it should.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 14:47:47 +0000

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