THE QUEST FOR GLORY For ages, men have sought gold and glory. - TopicsExpress


THE QUEST FOR GLORY For ages, men have sought gold and glory. We are obsessed with success. A few hours ago, I had a conversation about success. If you think about it, youd realize that some of the things we celebrate are empty. I often wonder what is really great about Alexander the great? Whats glorious about being a murderer and a thief? Killing people and taking their lands! But, lets come back to the present. I no longer think of success as reaching a particular state, or accumulating stuff, or fitting some unexamined societally accepted expectation. We must rethink most of the concepts we have accepted, or bliss, will continue to elude us. There is no limit to our capacity to develop, so at which point, do you think youve got it made? True success is holistic. Our bank balance is important, but success asks for more. Its about who we are, not what we have, or profess to be. Its who we are, and that reverberates to the ends of the earth. Who we are, is the ultimate measure of success, its our greatest treasure. Success is being. It is perpetual motion. It is the bird in flight, that has to use its wings. or... For me, I am drawn, to TRANSCENDENTALISTS. And, I am using the term in my own way, not necessarily in the Emersonian coloration. What is successful about being blunted to other peoples sufferings? Where is success, when we lack empathy? Success is alignment with the divine will -- which is reflected in genuine love (not the fantasy we celebrate). Im drawn to those who have transcended the myopic, stultifying focus on the self. I am drawn to those who worship, the ETERNAL LIGHT, through selfless service to their fellow-men. Michael Oluwagbenga Newman
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:02:52 +0000

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