THE QUEST FOR LA DECIMA; LIFE LESSONS FROM REAL MADRID’S 10TH CHAMPIONS LEAGUE TRIUMPH I am not an avid fan of Real Madrid neither was I supporting them to win their 10th champions league trophy. In my heart (emotionally) I was supporting Athletico to win the trophy but in my brain (being the logical thinker I am) I knew that Real was going to win the trophy; why so? In life there are basics rules that if you follow your dreams will come true. First of all in life you need to clearly define your dream, it has to be crystal clear to you not some hazy wish. Perez had made it clear that he wanted a 10th champions league trophy and nicknamed that dream la decima, little wonder that after winning the trophy , they brought out t-shirts with number 10 clearly imprinted. What is that dream you have been wishing to come true clearly write it down so that it becomes crystal clear to your mind. Do not be afraid, doubts will come but you have to stay focused. Secondly, you will need other peoples help and support to make your dreams come true. I laugh at people who say they made it on their own. They are just a clear cut case of ego maniacs and a sign that success has gotten into their heads. Real as a club bought players just to achieve that aim and even brought in technical assistance for that dream to be realized. Also, you have to let some people go in your life to achieve your dreams no matter what the status of that person is. Anybody that is not helping you towards your dream is stopping you from achieving it. Real had to let go of people like Raul Gonzalez who had cult like status in the club and even parted ways with the “special” Mourinho to achieve their goal. Identify the people in your life who are not contributing towards your success and spend as little time as possible with them or rather if possible stay away from them, do not be scared to let them go. Moreover you need to invest in sync with your dream to come true. You cannot dream of becoming a great pilot and spend your time, energy and other resources on catching fun (a character noticed among most youths). I am not against leisure but leisure should have clearly defined limits. Madrid spent over a billion dollars to achieve that aim. Finally a song goes thus “you can get it if you really want you need to try, try and try you succeed at last”. It takes perseverance for dreams to come true. Just as a Buddhist monk told Jet Li in the movie Shaolin monk,” nothing is as easy as it seems you need to practice hard”, it takes perseverance for dreams to come true. You will make mistakes and wrong decisions. There will be delays, things will unexpectedly go wrong but you need to stick to your guns. It has been12 years but Real has done it. In closing this article Louis Van Gaal is now the next coach on Man Utd and I dream of Man Utd winning the champions league three times in the next 5 years.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 08:40:38 +0000

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