THE QUIET MAN I just so happened to come across your site, - TopicsExpress


THE QUIET MAN I just so happened to come across your site, Comes A Soldiers Whisper. I clicked like right away. I found myself lost in reading stories and looking at pictures. What a wonderful thing you have done. I have always had an interest in Vietnam. I know that the wars Americans fought in have affected many people, but for some reason I just cant wrap my arms around all my interest in it. Maybe its because of my Fathers Oath to never speak of his time in the Military and Vietnam. It makes my mind wonder even more.. Im not very sure how my Father would feel about reading this story. As bad as it may sound, I may not tell him. My Father is up in his years and very set in his ways. I dont want to feel like I am betraying him in any manner. I dont want to have my Father angered with me. My Father has to be one of the most private men I have came across that walks the face of this earth. Heck, I cant even tell you his real age due to not knowing myself, thats how private he is. My Father served in the Army for 24 years with two tours, one in Korea and one in Vietnam. The war ended in Korea in 1954, but my Father was sent there due to Hostile Actions in the 60s. But since it was not a war zone, there was no combat pay. He was in the 1st Brigade 5th infantry division.. Dad has never really spoken about the war and what he went through. When we were younger, he asked us not to play hard rock music, because the Military (ARMY) played it to pump up the soldiers before they headed out on their missions. As a child I lived in Germany and Okinawa and too many other states to mention. The Army moved us every 3 years until we were stationed in Virginia. After my Fathers retirement from the Army 24 years later, he worked at the Pentagon until his final retirement. He has several ribbons and awards. I know when he worked at the Pentagon that he traveled extensively, but we never knew where he was going. Dad would give us a hug and either came back home or didnt. My poor Mother would pace the floors and bite her nails off as she didnt know where his missions were either. I often ask my Father about Vietnam and Korea and his response is always the same. My Father said he took an oath and could not speak of his work and the things he did and that in his oath his promise was to take it to his grave, and he will. I just wish that I knew more about him and what he went through and what type of missions he did. My Father has so many Ribbons & Medals. I would like to purchase a box for him to display them. But Im not sure if he would agree to that though. Right now they are all in a bag rusting and discoloring in his garage. I have only seen his Purple Heart once. I still dont know why he received it. I am proud of my Father and his service who suffers from the ugly Agent Orange as well. I know, because he has told me and shown me the letter from the Military. I have seen what it has done to his skin. My brother followed in the Military service but was in the Navy. My Son followed in the Marines, and my Daughter followed in the Navy and continues to serve to date after 8 years. She plans on being a lifer. The deployments are hard but, we support her 100% and are PROUD.. She was on the Truman when the bombs starting falling due to Isis. I guess serving our Great Country runs in our family. I am the baby of the family at the age of almost 47 and pictured here with my father, with the oldest being my brother at the age of 53. Some of the awards my Father has received are listed below. To me, that is too many. I know that I can look them all up to see what each one represents. But it would confuse me. Can you help explain any of it to me so that I can learn more about my Father whom is still living but refuses to discuss it? I want to have all his medals cleaned and placed in an award box and hope he will cherish it or allow me to have it to cherish it myself, being so proud of him. I read a few articles on the 5th brigade today and was in total shock to learn just a little of what he did. It made me Cry. No wonder he doesnt speak of it. I want people to see what a truly great, honest, hardworking and protective man he was. Thank You and God Bless our Service Men and Woman and all the wives and children and husbands who stood behind them. ~ Lori D. Kampmann, Korean & Vietnam Veterans Daughter Comes A Soldiers Whisper is deeply grateful to Lori for sharing her story and photographs and invite you to share your family photos &/or stories of those who served, so we may feature and honor them on Comes A Soldiers Whisper. God Bless all who serve and keep us safe. Photos/Story: Lori D. Kampmann https://facebook/ComesASoldierswhisper Medals: Bronze Star Medal x3 w/V device, Purple Heart x1, Defense Meritorious Service Medal X2 (wear above MSM), Meritorious Service Medal x2 (Followed by Def MSM), Army Commendation Medal X3, Good Conduct Medal X6, National Defense Service Medal X1, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal X1, Vietnam Service Medal X4 Campaign Stars, Korea Defense Service Medal X1, NCO Professional Development Medal X3, Army Service Ribbon X1, Overseas Service Ribbon X3, Vietnam Gallantry Cross X1 (w/ Palm, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal X1, *UNIT AWARDS* Army Presidential Unit Citation X1, Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation X1, Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation X1...*Badges* Expert Marksmanship Badge with component bars for Rifle and Pistol, Expert Driver Badge with component bar DRIVER-W (wheel)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 09:00:01 +0000

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