THE RACE FOR THE CROWN: In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul - TopicsExpress


THE RACE FOR THE CROWN: In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul drew a direct comparison between the Christian life and an athletic competition. Corinth was the site of the Isthmian games, a great athletic festival that was very similar to the Olympic games. Athletes in the Isthmian games endured 10 tremendous month of intense training that was mandatory . Anyone who failed to complete this training was barred from competing in the games. The highlight of the Isthmian games a great endurance race. It was this race that Paul would use as an illustration to depict the faithful Christian life. The winner of the games received a pine wreath crown, as in those who complete the Christian life, on the other hand , will receive an imperishable crown. Paul Illustrates the champion mindset to faithfully complete the Christian life with his statements, I run thus: not with uncertainty and Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air 1 Cor: 9:26. Paul was not an aimless competitor as we should not be as well. He had a clearly defined goal and that was to discipline his body; he had to force himself to maintain the strenuous, consistent practice needed for success. The race that Paul was preparing himself for is the race that all Christians need to prepare themselves for, and that is the calling of God. Pauls spiritual training was the very best available as our should be and in saying that he did not assume that he would automatically persevere to the end of the race. We need to continually discipline ourselves to fight, and to follow our calling from God. In doing this, we shall provide an ideal model for all Christians striving to become champions.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 23:12:22 +0000

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