THE RAPTURE DOCTRINE A MUST READ!! The term “Rapture” is not - TopicsExpress


THE RAPTURE DOCTRINE A MUST READ!! The term “Rapture” is not found in the inspired scriptures. however, it is vital to look at its concept whether it is in line with inspired scriptures. According to the Rapture teaching, at the secret coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, believers shall be taken away without being notified, regardless of what they are doing and where they are. Though some Rapture teaching indicate that the Lord’s coming will not be in secret but visible; there are two or different views about His coming according to rapture teachings. According to the Rapture teaching, believers shall be taken away to heaven while the unbelievers shall remain to face the great tribulation period - a time of great suffering. Some teach that Rapture shall take place before the great tribulation period while others teach that Rapture shall take place in the middle of or during the great tribulation period. The Rapture teaching indicates that Jesus Christ shall come twice: 1. Before or during the great tribulation period to take away believers to heaven 2. After the great tribulation period He will come back visibly to defeat the Antichrist and his systems or army. Kindly note that Rapture teaching is based on the following scriptures: I Thessalonians 4:15-17, John 14:1-3 and Matthew 24:36, 40-42. QUESTIONS 1. Is the Rapture teaching scriptural or a fabrication? 2. Will there be accidents during the Rapture e.g. pilots taken away, Bus drivers taken away? Will some unbelievers die during rapture? 3. Is the Rapture similar to Noah’s period? 4. When believers are raptured away to heaven will they stay there while Christ comes back after the tribulation period or will they come back with Him to defeat the Antichrist? 5. Where will the raptured believers be judged from, heaven or earth? 6. Will the world see Christ during rapture of believers? 7. Will believers be raptured in groups according to their denominational names? 8. During rapture, will there be a resurrection of the dead in Christ to be raptured together with the living believers? Or only the living believers will be raptured away? 9. Before or at the time of Rapture, will there be a Trumpet sound? What about after tribulation when Christ comes back, will there be an 8th or another trumpet sound? 10. Where will believers be finally and eternally, heaven or earth? 11. Where will the King of the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ, be, heaven or earth? Let us discuss this subject with an objective of finding the real truth regardless of what we know or what we have been taught.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:51:30 +0000

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