THE RATIONAL OF FORCE AND FORCE PROJECTION. Force is a precurssor - TopicsExpress


THE RATIONAL OF FORCE AND FORCE PROJECTION. Force is a precurssor to sustainable peace, most nation state have used force prior to peaceful negotiation, partly because a sucessful military campaign would give any negotiating party a bargaining chip it could levrage for a more favourable settlement. In the unfolding russia-ukraine skirmish. Russia having swung the tide of the battle now urges restraint and peace, evidently, in any subsequent peaceful settlement, russia would be in a vantage postion as pro russian forces now occupy a sizeable chunk of the contested territories. Futhermore force has been used to coerce warring factions in to peace. In the 1990s in the ethnic turmoil following the break up and partition of yougaslavia, intial calls for peace went unheeded forcing NATO to mount a bombing campaign that forced milosovich and serbian nationalist to a peace accord, it was calculated force that prevented ethnic cleansing on an inconceivable scale (to hitlers holaucost) in bosnia and its bordering break away states, not to mention kosovo. As sierra leoneans we witnessed first hand in the course of the civil war, the imperative necessity of force that quelled the embitterd r.u.f. Isreal in all it wars with the exception of the latter and their feud with the palestenians have made an impeccable military impression on syria and egypt, its former adversaries, before they could at least tacity recognize isreal as a force to reckon with and consequent peaceful settlement such as the camp david accords. In the falkland wars britain employed force to uphold her far flung sovereign territory when agentina pursued an expedetion in territorial aggrandisment, as all resort at peace through channels of the neo-liberal institutions ended in a stalemate. Obama had to shun his neo liberal discretion of peaceful negotiation when he orderd airstrikes against isis terrorist in northern iraq, had he opted for peace, secterian cleansing of the yazidi minority, the establishment of a terrorist haven in iraq, the crumbling of iraqs fledgelling secterian govts not to mention the proxy wars that would have pitted sunni militants with support from saudi arabia and qatar against shite militants supported by iran and syria, iraq would have become the epic center of imploding secterian fission that undoutedly would spill over to mega wars. These grim facts are hardly echoed in the international media. The dominance and transfusion of neo liberal and liberal internationalist thaughts from the liberal constitutions of the global north to the norms and charter that guide instiutionts borne out of the post 1945 liberal international economic order have collectively engendered the notion of war and force as the stimulus to all ill fated policies, since then, events have provoked my thaughts and proved otherwise. These sentiments of the architect of the post 1945 order which have been imparted on an institutional scale by education have trained minds to bear the thaugts of those whom have allied themselves with the current order.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:52:38 +0000

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