THE REAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGERS ( AN INTRIGUING FACT ) The approach towards Human Resources started changing drastically during 1990s and pro-active efforts were taken by the corporate houses through various HR initiatives and other OD interventions to accelerate Human Resources Development. Even organizations which were normally resorting to control and reactive approach in an adhoc manner towards their personnel transformed into employee oriented organization having positive approach towards their human resources since they realized that no development in any sphere of activity can take place without corresponding Human resources Development despite rapid automation and technology advancement. This paradigm shift became imperative as the organizations realized that potential and proficient Human resources are essential to enhance their Return on Investment. Organisations, therefore endeavored to develop constructive human Resources which can adapt to fast changing trends in technology and market. In pursuit of acquiring, developing and retaining effective and efficacious Human Resources, the organizations began according utmost priority and invested huge funds on Human Resources Development activities. But, no HR initiative or any other OD interventions can yield desired results unless the personnel possess suitable personality with good virtues apart from intelligence and knowledge required for the job. In every person’s life, a lot of nurturing and development take place in terms of personality, behavaviour, knowledge, traits etc., till his adolescent age which form the psyche of the person. In fact, the nucleus of any individual’s personality is formed during this rudimentary stage and will have bearing through out his life. For this entire process and outcome Parents and Teachers are instrumental and responsible. Making or breaking of any individual entirely depends on his parents and teachers and their responsibility is more than HR Managers at work as they are instrumental in development of core personality and other basic skill sets, Any effort by means of various HR initiatives and other OD interventions during employment can only facilitate to shape him to suit the work requirements, provided, he possess the basic qualities required for the task which are acquired from his parents and teachers. Another significant aspect is that conscious efforts are made by the parents and teachers with the sole concern for their wards/students without expecting anything on return. Hence, their efforts are whole-hearted and more sincere with dedication and devotion. The intent is pecuniary albeit the efforts are human oriented in respect of HR initiatives from the corporate houses. Another underlying fact is that parents and teachers should conduct themselves and set an example to children to ensure credibility to their guidance and grooming because children look upon their parents and teachers as their role models and draw inspiration from them. In the process, the parents and teachers are bound to sacrifice their interests and forego their desires at times. There is a saying in tamil that “ Matha, Pitha ,Guru, Theivam” which means parents and teachers are important than God. This is not to undermine God but to highlight the point that parents and teachers are equally or more important than god because of their selfless efforts to nurture and groom children with good virtues. From the foregoing , it is apparent that parents and teachers are The Real HR Managers who lay the foundation for further Human Resources Development and construct pillars for socio-economic development. Therefore, parents and teachers should realize their immense responsibility and noble role in creating social sensitive, responsible and proficient Human Resources with good virtues and perform accordingly. S.MOHAN, M.A. & M.B.A X---------------X
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:13:34 +0000

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