THE REAL QUESTION! Some think it is of the highest intelligence - TopicsExpress


THE REAL QUESTION! Some think it is of the highest intelligence and scholarly achievement to profess they do not believe in God. They may ask “why do you believe in God” as if that is the most stupid thing you could think. You can always come back with another question “why don’t you believe in God?” It really takes a great deal more faith to not believe God than to believe in Him. For one thing the history of mankind is against such an idea. Belief in some kind of god is basic to human beliefs in all cultures that we know of. Than there is so much evidential proof all around us. There is so much life in variety and complexity. The complexity of life can only be explained by a Creator, not chance. Chance is a concept of math, not a thing or some kind of intelligence with the power to create what we have today. Than our world and the universe is ordered by certain physical laws. They hold things together and if we violate them we suffer the consequences. Our place in the universe is governed by many favorable circumstances that cannot be explained by chance. It is a mathematical impossibility that we should be here. Our own intelligence points to a greater intelligence than our own. It takes intelligence to see and grasp the laws that order things. If it takes intelligence to appreciate the order of things than it must have been Intelligence to have created it. And here is something to chew on. When you say there is no god, how do you know that? Have you searched the heavens? Have you plumbed the deeps of all knowledge to make that conclusion? In a real way you are making yourself into some kind of god. You have to believe you know it all to reach that conclusion. To disbelieve in God is to renounce the evidence of man’s history, the reality of complex life, the laws that govern the universe, and the rationality of man himself. We have to make an assertion that makes our self a god. You see our problem is not evidence for God it is our desire to avoid our accountability to a God who is holy and knows everything about us. It is a moral and spiritual problem. It goes back to the garden -- we want to be our own gods and make our own rules to live by. -- Okie preacher
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:52:30 +0000

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