THE REAL “SECRET” I have always been a huge “Star Trek” - TopicsExpress


THE REAL “SECRET” I have always been a huge “Star Trek” fan, mainly because of Gene Roddenberry’s altruistic vision of the future. But alas, the real history of the world seems to be in direct conflict with his vision, namely because of the nature of the Human Race. You need only to take a quick look back, and start with the earliest history of Man from anywhere in the World. The “Fertile Crescent”, Meso America, China, India, it matters little. The peoples inhabiting these areas who had the “Biggest Club” (Or strongest military power if you prefer.) controlled the land, first through military conquest, and then by brainwashing the populations, to believe in their “God Given Right To Rule”. Of course you had to keep the populations entertained with ever bigger spectacles and distractions. And, of course, you always need a new “threat” to put fear into the masses and keep them in line. Add in a favored “religion” to get them into the “Us & Them” mode…And you are all set for a time. THE TRUTH AS I SEE IT For the past 45 years, I have been watching and observing the changes in the World, and specifically the USA since I was a young man in my 20’s. I am a “Baby Boomer”, part of the 60’s and 70’s culture that thought we could change the World for the better. I grew up in New England a “Kennedy Democrat”, but found that I was not so set in my ways that I couldn’t evaluate each person I voted for by their beliefs and visions for a better America. So after finding out that I could register as an “Independent” and vote my conscience instead of the “Party Line”, I did just that and ended up voting for Ronald Regan against Jimmy Carter for my first break with my “Democratic Party” upbringing. From that point on, I looked carefully at each person on all levels of the political agenda from local politics to the national level and voted for whom I believed would do the best job for everyone. My choices did not always come to fruition, but once the elections were over, I accepted the majority opinion and knew that if their choices the majority made did not “pan out” there was always the next election. It had worked that way since we put it into practice in 1776-77. Let’s stop for a minute and think back to that early past of the USA. It was a time when politics WAS NOT a profession. Our “Founding Fathers” were NEVER professional politicians, and would probably be quite shocked to know of the numbers of professional politicians who have been around Congress for more than the 8 or twelve years they originally envisioned. But they would probably be even more shocked at the current climate of divisive politics that seems to completely ignore this first sentence of the Constitution: WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. That is what it was supposed to be, but just like the Roman Republic that was eaten away from within by greed and corruption, we are paralleling their path. Only now, because of the new communications grid, things are speeded up…The Roman Empire had its own version of the Koch Family, George Soros, and the Wealthy Aristocracy that we now refer to as the 1%. They were the Senators and Emperors and Patricians who actually held all the power in the Empire. The “Mob” (Insert Middle Class & Poor here.) was kept in line with bribes, spectacles, and wars against anyone they could set up as “the enemy”. The Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the state religion, not so much because he believed in it, but more because it was convenient to have all his subjects under one belief system that he controlled. But don’t forget ROME FELL! END PART 1, MORE TO COME
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:05:15 +0000

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