THE REAL SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS! by Rasheed - TopicsExpress


THE REAL SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS! by Rasheed Haashim 1435 EED MESSAGE The apposite Arabic words for success are: saaadah, falaah and najaah. Success is one of d most misconstrued terms by people. Muslims are not left behind in d misconception. They view success only from material point of view. This view is incorrect. If it were to be correct, Qarun, Firawn, Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl, Al-Walid bn Mughirah etc. would have been among the most successful. Success which is d opposite of failure is not about making a living, but it is about making a life and hereafter. Making a life by being obedient to teachings of d Quran and d Sunnah. Making hereafter by entering paradise. Success is not: 1.Possession of huge amount of money or luxuries 2.costly wears 3.Expensive cars 4.Magnificent buildings 5.Marrying beautiful women etc. Though, if a Muslim is blessed with some material things in addition to Islamic monotheism, they may be counted as success but worldly success in which if it is wisely utilized may lead to real and ever-lasting success. The Prophet (peace be on him) said in narration of Al-Haakim& Abu Na’eem from Sa’d bn Abi Waqqaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that: “Four things are part of success: a righteous wife, a spacious house, a good neighbour and a comfortable means of transportation.” (Authenticated by Albani in Sahihul-Jami’ , no. 887). Dear brethren, even if you are the most wealthy, powerful, brilliant, knowledgeable, beautiful and celebrated, you may still not be among d successful. You may be the poorest and still be among the first class successful ones. So, success and failure is based on the ‘ultimate’ result. If you are a millionaire or a king in this ephemeral world but end up in hell-fire in the eternal life, then you are a great loser. What is now REAL SUCCESS that will save its possessors from doom and admit them to eternal bliss? What is that REAL SUCCESS that will inherit sweetness of faith, peace of mind, self-contentment, happiness and freedom from worries for its adherents? The answers are contained in d below Quranic verses and ahadith: By the time. Certainly, man is in state of loss. Except those who believe in Islamic monotheism and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience. (Suratul-Asr 103:1-3) From d above verses, success is achievable if we fulfill these four requirements: 1- Faith (iman) 2- Righteous Deeds (amalun salihun) 3- Exhortation to Truth 4- Exhortation to Patience. Quran Chapter 23 vs 1-11 contain some other qualities of the successful. Abdullah bn Amr reported: Allahs Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “He has succeeded who embraces Islam, whose provision is sufficient, and who is contented with what Allah has given him .” (Sahih Muslim 1054) This is my Idul-Adha1435 A.H message to my beloved ikhwah. May Allah count us among the successful in both worlds. TAQABBALALLAHU MINNA WA MINKUM.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:13:53 +0000

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