~THE REALITY OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE :~Pt.2 The Recognition of - TopicsExpress


~THE REALITY OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE :~Pt.2 The Recognition of Demons: In ministering Deliverance, when demons are confronted and exposed through spiritual warfare, they will at times demonstrate their nature through the person ministered to. These evil spirits are creatures of darkness and cannot bear to be brought to the light. When their presence and strategies are exposed, they may become EXCITED and FRENZIED. Their manifestations can seem to be endless. I will limit my examples to only a few. Satan and his agents are identified with serpents. In Lk.10:19 it reads: I give you power to tread (to TREAD ON means to have absolute mastery over) on serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy: and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you. (This means you do not have to be fearful of demons; you possess AUTHORITY over them as a Believer). Let me say, there are many misinterpreted scriptures and false teachings that cause some to be afraid of demons such as in (1Tim.5:22) Lay hands suddenly on NO man, NEITHER BE PARTAKER or SHAREHOLDER of other mens SINS. This is a warning against ORDAINING unqualified ministers. (They teach that demons will jump out of one man into another, so you better be careful not to lay hands on and allow others to lay hands on you). They use (Acts 19:13-16) concerning the vagabond Jews. First; they were not TRUE BELIEVERS, (they didnt know The Lord Jesus) and in v.16. And THE MAN (NOT the spirit). Read it slowly: The MAN in whom the EVIL SPIRIT (WAS) NOT the spirit, But the MAN leaped on them and overcame them and prevailed against them. WOW, what a difference. Ive been casting out demons for over 30 years, and not once have I experienced a demon jumping from one person to the next. What I have noticed: that more than one person can have the same demon, just like more than one person can have the same sickness. When Ive commanded one person to be FREE or HEALED, MANY OTHERS received the SAME BLESSING. TO BE CONTINUED:
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:53:44 +0000

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