THE REALITY OF THE WORD WHICH IS IN THE PERSONALITY CALLED JESUS CHRIST. THE WORD HIMSELF Your given can not be so strong as to open veins in the spirit realm if you have not love GOD beyond yourself. The starting point and the foundation of everything we do in the kingdom is traceable to our knowledge og GOD. And it happen to be that knowledge of GOD is not stumble upon by natural means, knowledge of GOD is only available by epignosis, and epignosis in greek language is the reveal knowledge of GOD so the knowledge God comes through an educational system called revelation and in revelation your mind is so weak to recieved a revelation is only your heart that is broad enough configured enough to recieve the touch of a revelation because it dosnt snychronise with the frequency of your mind. What has happen to nigeria is that a generation has envolved that dosnt know God if you have read the book of ezekiel before you will come to realise that what happen in the society is the mirror image of that which is going on in the church ,if there is chaos in the society it means that there is chaos in the church, if there is corruption in the society it means that there is corruption in the church ,people have violated their vows in Gods government and as such there is disarray and disorder. But we need to know that the prime called of our generation is to facilitate a restoration,. A restoration of the heritage of God that is being lost in our lifes,and a generation will have to accept that as their called and mandate. The recovery begins with you and me and if we fail in foundamental issues like acepting the rulership and government of God over our lifes and being sincere and truth to him as we relate to him, if we fail in those basics then we will fail in everything. You dont change society by bringing in technocrats,the days of obansanjo all the guys in his cabinet were technocrats i speak of the likes of professor charles soludo, nasiru a rufai,ngozi okonchi owela, it was a star studed economy team in the books they were perfect but in translating it into society and economy they found out that beyond the mind there was something at work, nigeria donsnt need a professor,nigeria need a prophet. Except we lay the foundation and put the building blocks in place we will be another wondering wilderness generation, when i look at the journey and i look how far i have gone i have to cry out for GOD to release the original document because it was obvious we were operating on duplicate. THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD The knowledge of God is only accessable and available under the hospices of revelation. The knowledge of GOD is facilitated in by an item and commodity called the auction of the holy spirit . the auction of the holy spirit talks about the capacity and the ability of the holy spirit to teach not in the words that the wisdom of man teaches but in words that the spirit teaches and he does these teaching by comparing spiritual things with spiritual things. It is a place were word failed to communicate so communication is done by spirit and that is why except we go closer and step into the inner chamber we might never get to understand the vibration of GOD. Understand these and help me tell people that God is spirit, i know you dont know the implication of what i just said in that statement. Many times when i said jesus appeared to me because he like appearing to me, people ask me what did he wear?so the are trying to relate my experiences with the stand point of the mind,,, canality,,,wear,,cloths,, but when the revelation of GOD as spirit comes to you it takes you to a different plane entirely. In all the time i have seen jesus i dont have a retention of how he looks like in his face because he is a spirit. God is spirit ,i will show and i will make you understand that he appear to us many times than we know. But he took me through a dealing to make me understand how to relate with a spirit and how to connect with a spirit.that is what i primarily want to show you from these, what am telling you today took me many years to learn that is why is spoke the first time i was lead to write that not many people will understand these words and believe it. But to them that are destine to be save and exploid the realities of GOD in jesus christ will discern and believe and recieve an impartation from the spirit of truth. I shed blood sometimes to learn these, i made mistakes and had accident on the high way to learn these. When you have the true reality of God and the personality that the bible is testifying about, you will get to know that 75% of the things that are preach on our pulpit today are wrong and not truth. The bible reveal that we have an auction from the holy one and we know all things,why, the word know there is not the knowledge of the mind but revelation. It is a solem assembly,and the things that we will communicate will engender great searches of heart as you weigh yourself in the scale of balances to know which God you are serving and summiting to. It is impossible for you to know God and you environment will not get to know even if you hide him, there is a light and when that light begins to shine the environment will atest to his presence. What we are trying to do these days is to know a spirit, i hope you know that you dont know your best friend the one that you see everyday,,, so we need a different means in order to know a spirit. John 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. It means in order for us to know him we need to recieved him and see him, but jesus said we know him because he dwell with us and he is going to dwell in us .. jesus speak prophetically of the season were the spirit of God will dwell in us which we are a fulfilment of that prophesy since the holy spirit is pour out in abondant now. When jesus speak about the spirit of truth, he was speaking about a time when he will die and come and live in the vessel of mortal men in the person of the holy spirit,, so jesus became the spirit of truth when he died and resurrected. The only basics for you to know the life of God is that you have God inside of you as jesus and the holy spirit. Eternal life is not the life that exist forever it is everlasting life that exist forever...eternal life is the life that sustain the capacity,potential and qualiy to reveal God. Everlasting life is quantitative while eternal life is qualitative. JOHN 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. So eternal life is the quality of the zoe, the zoe have different qualities of it quality is that it sustain the capacity to reveal GOD knowledge. 2. it is the life that quicken, so jesus can said i am the resurrection and the life he that beliveth in me although he is dead but yet shall he live.. he can make any thing alive that is why he is called the living GOD. Prayer is not natural prayer is supernatural so the bible said quicken us and we will call upon you,, the only reason why people struggle in prayers is because they dont understand jesus as the quickening spirit yet in us.that is wh God put all those infirmities in you so that we will understand that we cant operate ourself but we are like machine that only the life of God can operate . Roman 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. So every life has an educational system in it, the life you live tells people how you are in the natural so also the ;life of God reveal God in his true nature. What we are illustrating here is a realm of life that the bible testify about, the bible has many gate ways into the realm of the spirit, so if you study the bible much more atime will come when do the things written in the book and the things not written in the book because it is a gateway to many other truths in the spirit,, the bible is opening into spirit dimension,, the bible doesnt limit the srength and power of God but is just an opening gate to seeing the true realities of the things that the logos was testifying about. So revelation is personal, private in the very core of your being so if you recieved it ,it is alive in your spirit,because you can feel it vibration just like the breathing of your heart. It is not possible for you to know God if you dont have the life of God inside you......john 14 TRINITY The father is the life of christ but christ is our life, so everything that christ did he does by the father, so everything that we will do must be by christ, when you read the bible and come across the trinity, what do you think? The bible contain several metaphors,, so when the bible refer to GOD as the father it refer to him as the source of all thing,. When he is refer to as the son he is refering to as the embodiment of the source. As the spirit he is refer to as the essence. I want you to know that the source of all things never began he is existance on his own. Days and time can never figure him so he end himself the title the ancient of days,, if you travel to all realms he is above them all. When God decide to reveal himself to man and show man that he love him,, he had to reduce himself and encapsulate himself in a vessel that looks like man which is christ jesus. The son ,,the word become flesh. These happen when God took upon himself a body called the son carring all the word in him. But that personality called the word has always being with GOD and these personality called the word is the one that is settle with the responsibility to explain GOD while the personality called the son has the potential to reveal God as the expession and the extension of his person from heaven. THERE IS A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THAT PERSONALITY CALLED THE WORD AND THE SON. That personality called the word is GOD but when he decide to explain himself so that he can be understand,,he had to take on another form called the son.. because it is only the word that can explain him and all the purposes of God are bound in the personality called the word,, and it is that personality called the word that became flesh,, it is his specialty to explain God in explaining God he had to become flesh.. in that his taught become the taught of God and his feeling become that of God then just incase he felt anything that is how the word of God feels because is the word made fleshnot sand made flesh or dust mae flesh,, if jesus had no risen from the grave his body would not have decay because is not dust going to dust but the word going to the word in heaven it source.. It is in the embodiment that the son live among mortal men and show them how the culture of heaven is live even on earth, if God is a mystery then what will be use to explain him will not be anything less than God so he had to become flesh,, God was never explain until when he become flesh and live among men,, If you go to heaven you will see only jesus seated upon the throne carring the father inside of him and functioning by the spirit,, jesus is a man in heaven and a spirit on the earth,, that is the mystery of Godliness. THE KEY TO UNLOCK THINGS FROM GOD 1.PRAYER 2.THE WORD When it please the LORD to reveal himself to man on earth he had to bring that which is his nature here on earth, so GOD took the word which was with him since before the foundation of the earth and put it in a vessel that look like man and it become possible for that nature to relate with man,, so it is called flesh... and these personality that is encapsulated to become flesh is the one called the son. Now since the son is the embodiment of the word which is the nature of GOD it became possible that all his thought are of GOD. By so doing he live among mortal men and show them how to relate with the word in him as GOD.. then he die and went back to heaven as a man and sat upon a throne in heaven controlling all things here on earth.. when he died he become the spirit of truth and he came back to dwell inside the vessels of them that believed that he came and live as the son on earth and died and resurrected back to heaven as a king. THE WORD AND THE SON That personality called the word is GOD and only it has the capacity and the potential to explain GOD while the personality called the son is the word becoming flesh and it has the ability to reveal GOD because he is the expression of GOD himself, which is holiness THE CAPACITY AND ABILITY OF THE WORD Since GOD sealed and hold everything by the power of his word and he created everything by his spoken word and everything come forth by his word and nothing ever came into being without him speaking it through his word. Then all things are sum into his word, if you have the word you can also unlock all that God has lock up in his word just as christ operate by the word and unlock things on earth, so also you can seal a thing on earth by the word, you can command things to be created by the authority of christ by the word. Elijah was a man like us but he commanded that the earth rain not until at the sound of his word.. but before he said that he identify with GOD authority and power saying IN THE NAME OF THE LORD IN WHOSE I AM AND IN WHO I STAND and also the man name elisha command beer to come and eat up those kids that laugh at him by the word and power of creation so also several people like daniel that commanded deliverance unto jacob through the agency of prayers. We can still unlock creation by the word and prayers even greater things we will do because jesus christ is risen from the dead and he is seated upon the throne for our sake.........WHO HAVE KNOWN THE MIND OF GOD THAT HE MIGHT INSTRUT HIM OR COUNSEL HIM BUT WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST JESUS SO CHRIST IN US CAN COUNSEL HIM. The word give us life and light of GOD making us to become like GOD at all time so that when GOD look upon us he see only christ and himself like in a mirror because the more of the word we become the more of GOD we be and live as GOD because we are totally influence by his nature.... although GOD is spirit but he has become flesh live and died and resurrected and given us his spirit so that we can become spirit to relate with him as a spirit and also have acess to the heavenlly realm so as he does. The weapon of our welfare are not cannal but mighty through GOD by his word. When jesus was leaving he said i will give you the key of the kingdom of heaven which is his word and porayer many at times jesus told his disciple that some demons are casted out by prayer and fasting so prayer play an important role in our life as belivers..the word of GOD is our manuscript and a templet to live by if you have the word you have the templet of the whole earth and everything summit to it. BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 10:21:33 +0000

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