THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN OF CHURCH LIVING FAITH SOUTH SHIELDS BIBLE STUDY TOPIC – YOU NEED WISDOM 12-03-2014 TEXT – JOB 28:12-28 INTRODUCTION Most of the problems that we see today in nations, institution, and families are caused by lack of wisdom. A German born theoretical physicist – Albert Einstein once said that wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. May the Holy Spirit teach us this evening in Jesus’ name? . OUTLINES 1. Definition: Wisdom is the ability to discern right from wrong. As simple as the definition looks, wisdom is a common commodity 2. Wisdom is not from this world – Job 28:12 – 28. 3. Wisdom has only one Source – 1Kings4:49, James1:5, Prov2:6 4. Wisdom is priceless – Proverbs 3:13-18, Proverbs 8:10,34 5. There are different types of wisdom – REAL wisdom starts with the fear of God (Prov. 9:10). God has promised to destroy other evil wisdom. 1Corrinthians1:19-21 6. Wisdom announces ‘Himself’ – Luke7:35, Eccl7:12, Eccl7:19, Eccl10:10, Proverbs14:1, Example of wise people in the Bible and what they did. – Joseph –Gen.42:6, Joshua 1:8, Abigail 1Sam25:3,10,23-25. In conclusion it pays to wise. The wise will inherit glory, but shame awaits the foolish. The choice is yours! Question & Answer Time. Shall we pray!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:31:20 +0000

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