THE REFORMATION IS OVER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But hearken to that roll of distant thunder: The grace of the Philadelphian age is passing. There is a threatening sky. The age is passing on to – LAODICEA. The last church, the church which if we mistake not, is taken to represent the state of affairs which prevails at the end of history. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Reformation is over - everyone knows that. The release of the human mind four centuries ago involved consequences which were inevitable, fallen man being what he is. Freedom to think became freedom to rebel - to rebel against all authority, human or divine, and the human race has still to learn the lesson that what it calls freedom becomes the worst bondage of all. Freedom to sin is no freedom at all; it is slavery. Freedom from the laws of God means bondage to the devil and Satan. The dragon of ecclesiastical tyranny is only a shadow of the great devouring dragon of atheistic unbelief which now stands to devour the human race. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Laodicean church belongs to the Laodicean age: the boast that we are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing - no, not even of God or Christ and true religion. This is the boast of the modern world and its church, and it is now paying its price to the devil who is a hard taskmaster, as was his old time friend in ancient Egypt - Pharaoh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Protestant churches have fallen. The Reformation is over. The unbelief which arose in Britain in the 17th century, which crossed over to Germany, and reappeared in the 19th century as theological rationalism, has at length captured the Protestant churches (or the most of them), and devastated them. In Britain and Western Europe churchgoing is at the lowest ebb since the fall of Paganism. With the rise of theological rationalism came its stable companion, scientific rationalism. The doctrine of evolution displaced God by making Him irrelevant to creation. The error spread into the political world and produced dialectical materialism - communism. But Satan remembers his friends, and it is a fact that the Church of Rome has staged its greatest revival in history. The Pope, alone among the great religious figureheads, has increased in international credit. The world does not mind his medieval obscurantism. It accepts him as a respectable figure wielding power and prestige -which is what the world delights in, these being the values which it really exalts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 09:09:42 +0000

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