THE REFUTATION OF THE HABASHEES!!! A MUST READ!!! [Part 2] By Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee rahimahullah A refutation of many of the hallmarks of the deviant ’aqeedah perpetrated by the followers of ’Abdullaah al-Habashee A Refutation of the Habashīs (Ahbash) by the Muhaddith of this era, al-Imām Muhammad Nāsir ud-Dīn al-Albānī Arabic Audio: Silsilah Hudā wa-Nūr No.695: Do they (the Ahbash) say with their saying that Allāh is not in a makān that Allāh (عز وجل) is above His Throne (in a manner that befits His Glory). They (the Habashīs) dont say that! And the reason returns to two matters and the affair is as it is said, The sweeter of the two is bitter. Either this matter is that it returns to deviance in thinking and in intellect even more so to a deficiency in the intellect in understanding, or the aim is the destruction of Al-Islām from the most strongest of its aspects, indeed it is the Aqīdah (belief/creed) that is held in regards to Allāh (تبارك وتعالى). And as you know the sweeter of the two is bitter. Whether their statement is that they repudiate (reject/deny) what Allāh (عز وجل) stated clearly in those verses and texts that we mentioned from them and what we have not mentioned from them. That for Allāh is the Attribute of Uluww (Highness). Their repudiation (denial/rejection) of this Attribute; either it will be a deficiency in intellect, understanding and knowledge or it will be a plot against Islām and the Muslims. And the sweeter of the two is bitter. We will say right now Allāh (عز وجل) is not in a makān (place) that He created it after it was nothing. This is a reality; there is no doubt and no uncertainty in it. However, that Allāh (عز وجل) is above all of the creation and He is not in a makān (place) - there is no inseparableness between the two. And here the ignorance or plot of these people becomes clear. There is not at all an inseparable connection between the Attribute of Uluww (Highness) for Allāh (عز وجل) upon all of the creation and between Him being in a makān because al-makān when it is stated generally then indeed what is meant by it is something that was preceded by nothing then Allāh (عز وجل) created it. So those that begin with this philosophical rhetoric, is al-makān the concept of location created or not created? Yes, it is created. Is it befitting for Allāh (عز وجل) that He is in a makān that He created? The answer is no, it is not befitting. So, how can it be said that Allāh is in a makān? So we say that there is no one from the Muslims that say indeed Allāh is in a makān (mortal location/place) except those that are deviant from the Book and the Sunnah. There are two groups: one group that affirms a makān for Allāh, maybe you hear this affirmation from the tongues of those that affiliate themselves to Ahl Sunnah wal Jamāah from amongst our own midst, we wont take you far from us. So, one of us he said to someone sitting what he heard with his two ears that a speaker from amongst the Muslims and not from the Ahbashīyīn (Habashīs), he said what he heard them saying, Allāh is in every makān (place), Allāh is present in every presence! This Aqīdah (belief) is not at all from the Aqīdah of the Muslims and this is indeed from the Aqīdah of one of the two groups that deviated from the authentic Aqīdah that we mentioned previously from that which is absolute i.e. from the Book and the Sunnah and it is that Allāh (عز وجل) is above the Throne, He rose over it (in a manner that befits His Majesty). They [the ones with the deviant Aqīdah that Allāh is in every makān] are the Mutazilah of old and of new. The Mutazilah of old clearly state that Allāh is in every makān (place). And from those sects that are not known these days by the name Mutazilah however they are known by another name and they are a sect from the Khawārij, those that we all know something from their history and from their deviance in many aspects of the authentic belief. That sect that is present today they are known as al-Ibādiyyah. The Ibādiyyah these days represent the Aqīdah of the Mutazilah. (They say) that Allāh (عز وجل) is in every makān (place). There is no talk for us right now about those people because you have known that they are falsehood makers when they say Allāh (عز وجل) is everywhere. However, regrettably it is incumbent that you pay attention and remember that those Ahbash (Habashīs) and the likes of them when they meet some of the Muslim males or females and they make them doubt their authentic Aqīdah and it is that Allāh (عز وجل) is above His Throne and He rose over it (in a manner that suits His Majesty). How? There is no how, as you know and this is another discussion. So, rather than remedying what we hear in the sittings of Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jammāahs they say today that Allāh is present in every makān (place). Rather than remedying this error they remedy an authentic Aqīdah in the name of repudiating this error. So the Mutazilah of old and those that were upon their way from the Ibādiyyah of modern times they clearly state that Allāh is in every makān (place) and this is heresy, there is not after it anything more heretical. And maybe we will dictate some of the details of this heresy. As for the other group then they are the ones that say indeed Allāh is not in a makān at all, whether this location is a location of the transitory world - that was nothing then Allāh created it - or was an abstract place. All of us know as I mentioned to you before that Allāh (عز وجل) was and there was no existing time or location. So was He in a makān? If the intention behind location (means) a created location then far removed He is from this. He was, and there was nothing with Him at all. However, He was in a location. If the intention behind makān is a created makān then far removed is He from this. As for if He was in this nothingness that is of nothing being present that he made afterwards and made a part of it a creation by Him saying Be and it is. So Allāh was and He is. From this viewpoint He remains as He was that He is not in a created location. This is very clear. So the other sect they repudiate that fact that Allāh (عز وجل) was as He was before time, which is not in a makān. And for that they indeed dont affirm from Him the Attribute of Uluww (Highness) above all of the creation. Those people have a saying from the most false things that even a disbeliever would say; I dont say Muslim, that second sect that differs with the Mutazilah in their Heresy. You have known that the Mutazilah they say Allāh is in every makān (everywhere) this is a heresy, clear, and it does not need clarification in shā Allāh at least right now. Those people they say that Allāh is not in a makān as the Mutazilah say and the Ahbash (Habashīs) say. They dont say that for Allāh (عز وجل) is the Attribute of Uluww (Highness) over all the creation. No one knows the how of that except Allāh (عز وجل). What do they say? They say... listen now and pay attention and this is the Aqīdah of the Ahbash (Habashīs) and I hope for the one that has been able to overcome the whispers of them to know the yield of their whispering. Indeed it is the denial of the Creator, the denial of the Creator and the final abode being to absolute atheism as is the madhab of the communists, the materialists, the zanādiqah (plural of zindīq) and the malāhida (those far inclined from the truth being closer to kufr) those that say there is nothing except what is materially tangible. Listen now, they describe their Lord (تبارك وتعالى) by saying, He is not up, He is not down, He is not right, He is not left, He is not in front, He is not back, He is not inside the universe and not outside of it. Here we have agreed with them that al-makān is created and it is the world, so Allāh is not in the world. However, what is the matter with them when they say, He is not outside the Alam (the world). This is ilhād (atheism) and this is absolute denial. Some of them added in the way of drowning in denial and negation (that is of Allāh), so after having said not inside the universe and not outside of it they said, not connected to it and not separate from it. This is denial, total denial! This is what all of the materialists say. And it pleases me in this occasion (to inform you about) a debate that took place between Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah - may Allāh have mercy on him and may Allāh reward him with good on behalf of al-Islām and the Muslims - and between some of the scholars of the rhetoric from the likes of those Ahbash. They once complained of Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah to the ruler of the country of that time in Damascus because he says such and such...and he (apparently) ascribes the aspects of a mortal body to Allāh. And they were suspecting him what was not in him (i.e. they were false accusations). So they requested the fixing of a sitting for a debate then the amīr (leader) answered that request and he invited Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah and those that were opposing him so they sat in front of the leader. The leader heard the claim of those (corrupt) scholars and heard from Shaykh ul-Islām the Verses and the Ahadīth that affirmed for Allāh (عز وجل) the Attribute of Uluww (Highness) upon His creation, with complete deanthropomorphism (not likening Allāh to His creation and that is freeing Allāh from all imperfections) as is clearly stated in the Qurān, There is nothing like Him (Allāh) and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer (ash-Shūrā: 42: 11). So, when he heard the talk of the Shaykh from one aspect and the talk of those scholars from the other view he (the leader) said - and this points to superb intellect and intelligence - he said, Those are people that have wasted their Lord! This is a true statement. People who say about their summary and there is no need to repeat to you the trouble that has been echoed and mentioned, it is enough for you to remember the result of it... Not in the Alam (world) and not outside of it, not connected to it and not separate from it. That leader had spoken the truth when he said to those people, Those are a people that have wasted their Lord because if we said to the most eloquent man in the Arabic language describe to us a something that does not have an existence, he would not be able to define it with more than those people describing their object of worship and their Lord. The non-existent is that which is not in the Alam (world) or outside of it, so is Allāh like that? Far removed is He from that. Allāh was and there was nothing with Him. For that Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah in actuality described the groups: the Mujassimah (Anthropomorphists) - those that make similarity of Allāh with some of the creation - and those that cover from behind them, the Ahbash. So they repudiate the fact of there being for Allāh for instance the Attribute of the Hand, which He mentioned in the Qurān and other Attributes that we might expose ourselves to its meaning soon in shā Allāh. Ibn Taymiyyah describes those people; the Mujassimah with a very specific description, such as he (also) described the Muatilah (deniers) and he made contrast between the groups and gathered them together with a description that is characterised by (their) misguidance. He said, The anthropomorphist worships an idol and the Muatil (denier) he worships nothingness this is the truth, the anthropomorphist he worships an idol. Allāh is not a jism (body), far removed is Allāh from that. There is nothing like Him (Allāh) and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer (Ash-Shūrā: 42: 11). Source:
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 12:05:10 +0000

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