++THE RELUCTANT BRIDE++ EPISODE 11A-- Tara finally emerged from - TopicsExpress


++THE RELUCTANT BRIDE++ EPISODE 11A-- Tara finally emerged from her room by noon. She opened Shans door but the room was empty. She went downstairs and entered the kitchen. Shan was neither there. This house was a direct replica of the Nicholas house in Abuja...except the fact that this particular one was much more smaller. Good afternoon ma Tara turned and found herself facing one of the men responsible for taking care of the house. The two had introduced themselves to her last night. Good afternoon Jude, please have you seen my sister? She has gone to school, said she will be back by 6pm Tara sighed, it seemed Jordan has enrolled Shan in school. But why didnt they tell her? She said she will be staying for extra lesson okay, thanks, do you live here? yes ma, except that there is an apartment attached to this house for us Jude couldnt stop admiring this woman. Who would ever guess that Jordan Nicholas would end up with her type. Before leaving, Jordan had given them strong instructions concerning his wife. They were to assist her in whatever way they could and at thesame time, give her a breathing space. Thank you she had said and Jude had counted his boss lucky to have such a woman as a wife. Tara soon realised that if she and Shan will eat, shes got to buy foodstuff. Today was not that day. It was getting late and she hasnt gone to the hospital yet. She retrieved some cash from her purse and went out in search of Jude. She found the two men sitting on plastic chairs. The one called Ken greeted her and she answered. Is there a provision store close by? yes ma I need to buy some milk and a pack of cornflakes The two men stared at her. Allow me to buy them for you ma Tara, not used to ordering people around hesitated. Ma, its our job, we are paid to do these She reluctantly handed over the money to Ken. Tara left the hospital by 4pm. She took a cab to the market where she bought as much foodstuff as she could. She returned by 7pm really tired. Shan ran out to greet her. Together, they boiled yam and made sauce for supper. Tara couldnt even take a bite. Looking at the food, she nearly threw up. Goodnight Shan She said and quickly disappeared to her room. Jordan had not called and she wished he would call. That night, Tara couldnt sleep, she felt feverish. She tossed and turned, then used the blanket to cover herself to no avail. Her body felt so hot yet she was shivering. She cried. By 5am, sleep finally embraced her. She opened her eyes by 10am. She felt much more better. After bathing, she went downstairs for breakfast. She left the tea untouched and made lunch for Shan before going to the hospital. Tara held her mothers hands and prayed for her to regain conciousness. She returned home by seven to find Jordans black saloon in the house. For the first time since he left, Tara really laughed. She ran all the way to their room. He was not there. She decended the stairs searching for her husband and bumped into Shan. Oh Shan, where is Jordan? Jordan? yes, Jordan. His car is parked outside he is not here Ta, he sends the car and a driver for you Are you sure Shan? Just then, a tall man of about fourty five appeared. Good evening Ma, Im to be your driver for the rest of your stay here youre welcome, Tara managed to say. Thanks ma He walked out of the building. Tara stared after him. While Shan ate noodles, Tara forced herself to have cornflakes. It seemed to be the only thing her stomach could take. Tara, are you ill?, Shan asked. Im fine, good night Shan goodnight Ta Like the night before, sleep eluded her. She felt so ill she thought she would die. By the early hours of the morning, she went into a deep slumber. Time moved fast, hours, days and a week went by. It seemed Jordan had forgotten her. On the morning of the second week, Tara swallowed her pride and dialed Jordans number. It didnt go through. She went to the hosptal. Mother, I need you, I have so much to ask you. Im married, I dont even know how to behave towards my busband She heard footsteps. It should be the doctor, she thought. Good God Tara, what the hell happened to you? She heard a deep male voice asked her in suprise. She slowly turned her head towards the door way. Henry! Tara ran into his arms. He pat her hair. Do you miss me? Of course I do, Tara answered. She looked behind him, He wasnt alone. Linda!, she left Henrys embrace for Lindas. Tara, are you ill? Look at you, youre alot more thinner than I know you to be, Linda asked in concern. Im good, just concern for my mum, Henry saw right through her lies. Problems with Jordan? No Then why is he not here with you. Infact, when last have you two spoken to each other? Henry persisted. He knew something was wrong. Jordan kept telling him that all was good. Her mother needed her that was why she was in kaduna. Tara didnt even blink. She answered with a smile, This morning, why did you ask? nothing dear the three laughed and discussed old times. Tara was happy they paid her a visit. Tara have you eaten?, Linda asked. Yep, ate noodles with a cup of tea what about lunch? Henry dear, can you take us to have Lunch? Linda, I had a brunch. You see, Im not hungry at all Since Tara is not hungry, Im not hungry, Im also not hungry By 5pm, they made to take their leave. Henry, please spend a night with us. Shan will be glad to see you guys, Tara pleaded with them. Okay then, Henry said. Tara called her driver and told him not to come for her. On their way home, they made a detour to the market where Tara and Linda bought Vegetables for supper. At home, Shan went out to meet them. I bought something for you, Henry told her. He handed over a small box to her. Shan unwrapped it. Chocolates, she proudly showed Tara. Thank you uncle Henry youre welcome, Shan While the three ladies cooked, Henry switched on the TV and entertained himself. While others ate rice and vegetable soup, Tara concentrated on her cornflakes. This is not food Henry said. Shan opened her mouth to say something but Tara glared at her and she remained mute. Im not a baby, please stop treating me like one Suit yourself, Linda told her. * * * while Tara was busy munching her cornflakes, Jordan had just had a bath. Gosh, Im so tired, He said to himself. A knock came at his door. come in Jordan frowned when his mother appeared from the door. He knew what this was all about. The truth was, he did not wish to discuss it. Mother, Im tired. I need to rest, cant this wait till another day? No, it cant wait, she told him evenly then Im listening, he told her Jordan, what is your wife of less than two weeks doing in kaduna? Nursing her sick mother are you having problems with your wife? No Are you two communicating? yes, anymore questions? Jordan, Im sure youve heard the gossips. People say your marriage has hit the rock. Has it? No mother good, Im travelling to kaduna tomorrow morning. Care to join me?, His mother looked expectedly at him. I wish I can mum why cant you? Its just for a day Im busy. Do you still want to ask me if my wife and I have consumated our marriage? oh dear, why ever should I ask you that? Jordan, Im sorry but you are my son and I have to intrude in your life mother goodnight mrs Nicholas stared at her son. He was not telling her the truth. She only hoped his wife provides answers to her questions. Good night to you too She said and walked out of the room. Damn Tara, Jordan thought. She was stubborn to the very core. He had been expecting her to call, she didnt. He couldnt count the number of times he had dialed her number only to quickly abort the call before it began ringing. She had dominated his thought so much. If only she would call him once, he wouldnt mind driving all the way to kaduna to be with her. He had tried twice to make out with two ladies but he ended up just asking them to go. They were not Tara. It was Tara he wanted. But it seemed she didnt want him! His mother can pay her all the visit she wanted. Her will give his wife as much space as he desired. Tara smiled triumphantly to herself. Wow, she had miraculously woken up by 8am to bid her brother and Linda goodbye. None will be the wiser. Of course Tara knew that she was sick. She had been so scared to go see a doctor. Her mother had told her that her grandmother died of a heart attack. Now, her own mother is in a coma due to an attack. What it was in their gene and too was having the symptom. She desperately wanted to google all the information she could on heart attack but she was afraid of what she might find out. Therefore, she decided to buy time and not tell Jordan of her illness yet. Jordan...she missed him so much it hurt. Tara walked the stairs to her room smiling. It wont hurt to swallow her pride and call her husband, will it? She picked her phone and dialled his number. He picked at the fourth ring. Hello, she said grining like a simpleton. No answer. Hello? Jordan can you hear me? A woman answered, a woman with a very familiar voice. Amanda? Yep, Jordan is bathing. I answered this call to tell you a few goodnews What is it? Your marriage has fallen Tara. You cant even satisfy your husband he left you. Look, he is enjoying his life here with me, Amanda spite out. Tara felt like she had been slapped. It doesnt matter Amanda, just tell Jordan to call me back He is bathing Tara, we just had a very busy time together Just tell him to call back, Tara quickly ended the call. No, I will not cry, I refvse to cry Tara said with her eyes full with unshed tears. She ran to the bathroom, went on her knees and for the first time, threw up the cornflakes she had earlia taken. She bathed and waited for Jordans call. The call never came. Tara waited for over two hours before she finally accepted the fact that he was never going to call. She finally cried herself to sleep. * * * Jordan had left his phone on the dining table after breakfast. He went up to his room to pick some documents he had to take with him to the office. He came back for his phone to find Amanda pressing some buttons. What are you doing with my phone? Sorry, just cant find mine. Im trying to beep it with yours Jordan looked at her. She was wearing a black night dress. It clung to her like a second skin. Jordan could bet his last penny she was putting nothing underneath the seductive dress. Amanda, make it snappy, Im already runing late she proudly removed Taras number from his call history before dialing her number. Oh, there it is she bent to pick it. Jordan quickly removed his eyes away from her. Her bosom had popped out from the dress. He retrieved his phone from her. Amanda, I know what you are upto, it wont work. There are plenty more fish in the sea. This fish is not available, go catch another He stalked out of the house leaving a disappointed Amanda. His mothers car was not at home. It seemed she was already on her way to Kadvna, little wonder, Amanda had behaved like the slut she was. Tara hasnt called. Damn her. Jordan angrily drove away. * * * Tara dressed immaculately in an orange sleeveless gown. Jordan was cheating on her. Damn him. She made no effort to visit her mother. She didnt have that strength. By 3pm, Tara heard a car drove into the house. Jordan! Tara ran all the way outside only to see her mother-in-law. She carefully masked her disappointment. mother, welcome, Mrs Nicholas only stared at her. Tara, you must be ill please come in, Id fine, just tired I just left the hospital. The doctor seemed worried you were absent today. Said you were never absent yes mother,I decided to take today off. Oh dear, i have totally forgotten, please accept my apologies, what should I prepare for you? Dont worry Tara, Im returning today. Actually, I need you to tell me something what? Tara innocently asked her. Are you and Jordan having problems? of course not when last have you spoken to each other? He called me this morning Mrs Nicholas rest her case. They chitchat for another hour before her mother-in-law finally left. send my love to Shan and dont forget to eat lots of food. You are thin Thank you mother, Tara had told her as the driver drove away. On the second day of her third week in Kaduna, her father paid her a visit. Tara was never to forget the visit nor the tragedy that followed. it was April, Shan had just concluded her second term exams and the school was vacating the following week. On that fateful day, she didnt go to school, she went with Tara to the hospital. They both stared at their mother. Tara wondered why she was yet to regain conciousness. Her father appeared at the door way. Tara quickly went on her feet. Good afternoon, No answer. Good afternoon sir, Shan also greeted. Anthony looked disdainfully at Tara and Shan then to ther mother. He really would have divorce his wife and marry Annabel. Annabel had stuck a knife right into his heart when she stole his money and disappeared. Truth was, Anthony was still hurting. He had never forgotten her, neither has he ever forgiven her. He was still inlove with her but her betrayal to him made him swear to make life difficult for her...and her daughter. Keep your greetings to yourselves. Tara, what are you doing in Kaduna? Nursing my mother Need I remind you that you are a married woman? No Pack your bags back to Abuja first thing tomorrow morning Tara defiantly glared at her father. Those days are over father, you took away the rights you had over me when you forced me into marria.e. Im now my husbands responsibility you are daring me, Tara Im not but you cant make me leave Anthony hit her hard, on the face. She went down on her knees. Shan ran to her and helped her stand on her feet. You are leaving tomorrow or else... Or else what? Mr Anthony, do your worst. As long as my husband is okay with my stay here then you wont make me leave Anthony had been shocked when a contract he was about to sign was taken away from him simply because, according to them, his relationship with the Nicholas was in trauma. what are you talking about?, He had asked them. Since your daughters marriage to Jordan Nicholas had hit the rock, we cant give this contract to you, you are a businessman, you know how things are being done Anthony had angrily drove all the way to kaduna to confront his daughter. He slapped her again and she began crying. Im not going anyway, go to hell and burn to ashes for all I care Please, leave us alone. We dont want you here, Shan cut in with tears. you are a wicked and selfish man. I shall never in my life forget this day. I despise my mother for going to a heartless man like you. I despise her for giving me devils incarnate as a father and I hate you for all you have made her go through. I wont forgive you Anthony and I am not going back to Abuja. Now get out of here before i scream my head off Anthony was taken aback by her outburst. He had never seen this side of Tara. He decided to return the next, but tomorrow has another story to tell. * * Shan stared at her crying sister. They had left the hospital as soon as Anthony stormed out and had returned home. Tara kept crying without stopping. Tara was sick and she had made Shan promised no to tell Jordan. Her sister wont go and see the doctor. What if she collaps too like their mother? Shan would be left alone. No she must do something. She picked her mothers phone and dialled Jordans number. Well, she had promised Tara not to tell Jordan of her illness, but she had not promised not to call Jordan. Hello? Uncle Jo? Shan how are you this evening?, She began crying. Please uncle Jo, you have to come here is anything wrong?, Shan hesitated. Please, whatever your problem is with Ta, forget it and come. We both need you here Jordan became instantly afraid. What is happening there? He thought Shan, give the phone to Tara, I need to speak with her Tara is sleeping Jordan looked at his watch, it was just to seven. Something was definately wrong. Okay Shan, I will be on my way to kaduna first thing tomorrow morning Thanks, uncle Jordan, Shan ended the call. ++TO BE CONTINUED++ ++GOOD NIGHT FELLAS++
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:59:09 +0000

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