THE REPORT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ODUDUWA NATION SENT TO THE EVENT MARKING THE 22ND OGONI NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION,SUNDAY JANUARY 4,2015,BY THE NATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF THE MOVEMENT FOR ODUDUWA REPUBLIC(MOORE) YOURS TRULY WAS THE ONE SENT,AND I WITNESSED THE SWEARING-IN OF THE FIRST INAUGURAL ELECTED INDIGENOUS GOVERNMENT OF THE OGONI NATION: Dear people and citizen of the Oduduwa Nation and people at home and abroad,this is my report: If there is any indigenous Nations;either micro or macro in population on the continent of Africa that are forever determined and doggedly committed to the process of their people liberation struggle connected to the entire world and globally accepted,it is that of the Ogoni Nation trapped within the failed Nigerian state as other hundreds of indigenous Nations who are currently suppose to be replicating the Ogoni freedom process on behalf of their respective peoples but were currently per-occupied by the politics of whose of their current feudal political gladiators would best serve the individuals and class interests of their respective godfathers and who would rather prefer to be continuously be slaves rather than being free because of inducement and patronage of various kinds from criminal one Nigeria politicians and parasites known and defined as cabals along the South and North divide.The Ogoni Nation is different from the the above shenanigans. Since the revolutionary inception of the Movement For The Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) and the eventual Pan-Nigeria State elimination of the Ogoni nine,the symbols of the Ogoni Nationalism,the gigantic show of Ogoni National patriotism to their common cause for freedom,is unprecedented on the Continent of Africa,which has now taken a huge progressive directions from which any pseudo federal power,state authority and manipulation cannot contend with,without having the consequences of direct international intervention and backlash on the Nigerian state as presently constituted.This is what i saw among the People of the Ogoni Nation and genuine leadership,which is majorly lacking among the Yoruba today,because of the criminal selfishness of some few political and traditional elites operating in Nigeria from Yorubaland,as neo-colonial agents of one Nigeria State. Among the Ogoni people, I saw 99% from the total human population united all along classes to free themselves and totality of internal neo-colonial brand of fake naked politics and perpetual under-development,which Nigeria and River State has been seen, to represented in the lives of all the citizens of the Ogoni Nation. I also noticed among this people,a new generation of proactive Ogoni Nationalists and citizens practically working committed towards the practical actualization of their rights to political Autonomy for their Nation and self-determination as embodied in the Ogoni Bill Of rights and in the United Nations charters of rights of indigenous peoples to self rule,including political,economic and socio-cultural rights.The massive courage and raw -determination that is majorly absent among the Oduduwa Cum Yoruba people trapped within failed Nigeria,were in huge supply among a people with mere 500,000 in total population. Currently, the Ogoni Nation is going ahead in practical terms to free themselves from stomach politics of self and class on one hand and that of a change that would not accept the reality of the Ogoni political self-rule actualization recognize under International law,which the current one Nigeria politicking is not putting into major realistic considerations of the hopeless 2015 national elections. The Ogoni Nation has elected their own National President,Dr Diigbo Goodluck as the first President of The Ogoni Nation under the auspices of the Ogoni central Indigenous Assembly.They has also have inaugurated an elected Ogoni customary court presided by a president,under the customary system. They also have elected and swore-in members of the Ogoni National legislative Assembly,with a president at the head of the Assembly. currently,all the 8 kingdoms that constitutes the Ogoni Nation has been transformed now into the constituent provinces of the Ogoni Nation with eight elected provincial governors swore-in from each of the eight provinces,responsible to their people and their Indigenous National Government at the political headquarter of the Ogoni Nation at Bori. the significance of the latest Ogoni freedom process,is the massive presence of all the traditional rulers and institutions from all the provinces cum kingdoms within the Ogoni Nation to witness and add their spiritual supports to the swearing -in and eventual take-off the elected Indigenous government of the Ogoni Nation,I was flabbergasted with what I saw.This above scenario signal the spiritual and physical harmonious process of making the Ogoni National political autonomy and self- rule, permanent. The above phenomenon is currently igniting the underlying fire on every Ogoni persons and citizens,without the fear for physical death,to collectively set themselves and next generation of Ogoni lives free forever. The Ogoni Nation and new elected Government, Nation of 500,000 people are evolving plans to Nationalize and internationalize their Indigenous language as medium of conducting their politics and trade within and outside Ogoni- Land. They have also decided to bring in influx of huge foreign investment and investors from all over the world to developed and expand their indigenous Economy and their environment under International best practices to serve the practical benefits, on the lives of all Ogoni citizens and the entire Ogoni National Geography. They have also decided not to participate in the state elections in River-State of Nigeria while they expect the Nigeria National Government to open negotiation with their Indigenous government on fiscal and resource matters on percentage they would be willing to pay to Abuja and not the other way round.The Ogoni Nation is going ahead with 100% resource control of their resources. They have also decided that from any time from now,the new Ogoni elected National Government would be taking over all the political and economic institutions in their National Territory and would never take order from Port-Harcourt,again, while they expect the Nigeria government to open a new channel of dialogue with them. The Ogoni Nation invites all other indigenous Nations trapped within Nigeria to open their liaison offices at Bori,their national headquarters,if they are interested to do so and ready to rendered any solicited assistance for realistic partnership with any. According to the statement of the new swore-in President of the Ogoni Nation,the first step is political autonomy as the initial medium towards the total liberation of every Ogoni citizens wherever resides through-out the world. The Ogoni Nation, also encourage other Indigenous Nations trapped within the failed Nigeria State to fearlessly go ahead and constitute their own indigenous political and economic autonomy without fear of any existing federal might,as they have collective done and offered to assist any such indigenous Nation that approach the Ogoni Nation for such supports. in concluding my report to you,dear people of the Oduduwa Nation,I present a speech and solidarity message,which I humbly did,as mandated by the leadership of the Oduduwa Nation.I told the Ogoni Nation that We the people of the Oduduwa Nation has also approached the United Nations and submitted our petition and application for independence and self-determination from the failed and expire Nigerian State and that we are ready to work together with them for the common purpose of mutual benefits anchored on our collective freedom quest.I told the Ogoni Nation that the unity of Nigeria as expired and no longer fashionable and that only mere political long throats and sheer opportunists that would not accept this universal reality.And since the country is over hundred years of failure of nationhood,and that the contemporary world order under the united Nations,is the enforcement of the principles on human rights and rights to self-determination by not allowing groups of individuals or multinational States actors to conspire to deny any groups or Indigenous Nations of their right to political,economic and socio-cultural peculiarities or forced to be ruled over,when they could rule themselves and developed their own geography under international law,as Indigenous Nations. I left the Oduduwa city of Lagos late last Saturday to the Ogoni Nation and i returned yesterday back to the Oduduwa Nation,late yesterday. God bless us all,Ase. Comrade Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed The National Mobilization Officer, Movement For Oduduwa Republic (MOORE) TO THE NATIONAL SECRETARIAT OF THE ABOVE BODy
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:31:11 +0000

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