THE RESURRECTION OF THE SO – CALLED NEGRO” PT1 THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE. {@} ---------------------------- And he said unto me , can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, Thou knowest. Again he said unto me, prophesy unto these bones , and say unto them , O ye dry bones, hear. The word of the Lord thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye will live: EZEK 37: 3- 5, Then he said unto me , Son of Man , these bones are the whole House of Israel: behold, they say, our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off from our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, thus saith the Lord God: behold, O my people, I will open your graves, Ezek 37: 11- 12 . It will be shocking news to many people to hear that the 37th chapter of Ezekiel is speaking about the so – called Negroes who have been buried in North and South America . The grave was the sugar, cotton, rice, coffee, cocoa and plantations and then the grate grave of White Theology. Exactly how many slaves were brought from mother Africa only God knows . The historians have played a guessing game and most of them have exempted Roland Oliver and J, D. Fage in their short History of Africa. The most widely read History of Africa today ; placed the number at (15,000,000) fifteen million slaves that were brought to North and South America, (London 1962) page 120 R, R. Kuczynski, In his Introduction to the History of West Africa he gives the same figure (15,000,000),Robert Rotberg in his book “ Political History of Tropical Africa” strengthened the same of (15,000,000) fifteen million by citing both Kuczynski and Robert Rotberg . Basil Davidson in his book Black Mother (London 1961) page 89”the short answer to number of slaves that came to North and South America beginning in the fifteen Century and ending in the 19th century is that no body knows or ever will”. W . E. B. Dubois speaking on the subject “The Negro race in the United States of America “ (London 1911) made this statement. “the exact number of slaves imported is not known “ but during the first year the oldest records I have been able to receive is that (144,000) one hundred and forty four thousand were brought to North and SOUTH America. During the first year E, D Morel from his book “The black man’s burden” (LONDON 1920) PAGE 19. And the Mohammedan slave Trade carried (60,000,000) SIXTY MILLION from mother Africa and yet people ask today the cause of stagnation of culture in that and since (1600) sixteen hundred. It seems as if it was the plan of Almighty God that the (144,ooo), one hundred and forty four thousand should first come . Even Ezekiel himself was hot certain of a number of dry bones (people) that he was able to look down through the years of prophecy and see this grate valley o f people . he is only able to tell us “There were very many in the open , and lo, they were very dry. Ezek;37-2.for more information please call-592-231-5546,592-676-6798, after reading please, SHARE.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:52:50 +0000

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