THE REVOLUTION GAINS MOMENTUM This article is in response to - TopicsExpress


THE REVOLUTION GAINS MOMENTUM This article is in response to the call by the UDC Youth Wing urging all Batswana to rise up and demand answers to what has of late become a worrisome trend and a total disregard of all manner of decency and respect for the rule of law. The Nation has as of now been shocked by the suspicious way with which one of its own promising political sons has had to meet his demise. There are as of now more questions than answers regarding this matter, prompting the citizenry to justifiably push for answers. The PLM has always made it known to all that Botswana had descended to being a Constitutional Military Dictatorship, we have also consistently stated that with dictators, electoral democracy becomes nothing but a self legitimizing exercise where the regime does all in its powers to cling onto power. Enemies are eliminated and Government resources and Media used to ensure that a pseudo one party state entrenches itself. It is easy also to mistake such a dictatorship for some form of democracy due to the seemingly fair and peaceful electoral process while the ballots were stolen through monopoly and repression from day one. Whither opposition funding? If the BDP feels that they need %& plus vans and giant billboards all over, why then deny the other parties such? Unfair advantage? What should SADC say about this as this is a violation of the Bodys protocol on free and fair elections? We hereby call for calm and restraint on the part of all those rightfully aggrieved. The UDCs call for Nationwide demonstrations is a justifiable one and our humble advise is that we should not play into the hands of the System. The shelf life of the current regime has long expired. It knows that and any opportunity presented to it to use brutal force to crush any uprising is what the Junta gleefully awaits in order to portray legitimate calls for the rule of law to prevail as some form of National Security threat. The Junta has got arms, intelligence and soul dead man power that will not stop at anything to kill, maim and instill fear to a people demanding justice if the approach towards self liberation is wrong. The dying BDP slave-ship also chooses to use fear, intimidation and systems of divide, silence and conquer to scatter efforts by law abiding citizens with the hope that it would have its wrongs left unchallenged. They, as usual are wrong, they have without any form of provocation from ourselves jump-started the Revolution. A single event is usually enough to spark a revolution and the regime has availed not only one nor two but three such sparks. The first is the DISS heists by none other than its own boss, second is the suspicious passing of GM, and now we have one of the PLM comrades understudying yours truly being arrested for an article on the social media. We call on all to never abandon any of us taken into custody, comrades who know where he is being held should notify us so that we visit him and show unwavering solidarity, this way, the regime would never get away with anything. Fear is a weapon of choice deployed by the fearful whenever they feel that their position of power is in danger. The Regime fears us more than we should fear it. We have stated on previous articles that the BDP rotten junk party is made up of what are known as Pillars of Power. These pillars are essentially given credence and relevance by our voluntary cooperation with them. If we withdraw our cooperation and obedience, that automatically makes them loose power over us as the regime gets exposed, panics, make mistakes and crumbles to the ground. Its a given that since the calls by UDC to wage Nation wide demonstrations, the SSG has been put in high alert, The DISS is running around night and day trying to intimidate citizens not to post on fb. We understand they are busy calling people making threats to that regard, Is this Botswana? we ask. Hence we shall post daily to defy such cowardly tactics. We shall not say much here save to say that The PLM machine is ready to deploy. We are well vested with decades of experience with the Regime and have local and international partners in the Media fraternity who are ready and willing to assist in exposing the current regimes under hand tactics once the gigantic gears of the Rebirth of Botswana crush and chew the military junta. As usual, we advise that the Struggle be PEACEFUL, there is NO NEED FOR VIOLENCE. We merely have to exercise our democratic rights of freedom of assembly and speech. The PLM hereby promises Batswana in general that FREEDOM is possible WITH OR WITHOUT ELECTIONS! We need to move forward in a well planned and tactfully executed fashion so as to leave the regime with no choice except to go the brutal route on a NONVIOLENT CITIZENRY or vacate power. Lastly, we hereby express our most heartfelt condolences to the bereaved Motswaledi family and to them we say, your son is not gone in vain. He shall remain the footstool of our revolution as the very values that he stood and fought for are what today drives all of us to call for answers and regime change. We also call on our operatives within the BCP to fully join the Revolution because the ideals that we shall fight for are basically theirs too. A well coordinated movement against the regime can and will cleanse this country of the scum that has come to think it has power over the people. Doth they not have eyes to see how those with more power than them have met their demise? Theirs, we promise, is in a matter of moments. The Revolution has begun in earnest.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 12:13:39 +0000

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