THE RIGHT AND LEFT HEMISPHERES OF THE BRAIN. By Omotayo Oluwarotimi Onabamiro on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 1:44am The Divine name YHWH which was revealed to Moses when the bush was burning but was not consumed is the name revealed to man in the Bible, this time specifically for a purpose, in Gods redeeming work, when God was about to deliver Israel from Egypt. The shorter form of the name Yah (there were no vowels in the original Hebrew, YH) was in the work of salvation, after they had been delivered from Egypt. The name is comprised of two Hes (H) each with the numerical value 5, both adding up to 10, the value of the letter Yod, which Hebrew scholars designate as the seed of God. One of the Hes is said to control the conscious in man, the other the unconscious. The Hebrew Divine Name of God YHWH which is translated I Am That I Am in the king James is heavy with the connotation I Am. Jesus Christ the Word made flesh said, before Abraham I Am. The word of God is a double edged sword which can open the way to life, or conduct to death if not received, received with our ears ready to listen, and our eyes ready to behold Jesus Christ, the authour and finisher of our faith. According to Annick De Souzenelle, The East of the being, where one language and one speech is spoken, where the depths of Ishah (woman) symbolised by Adamah the ground to which Adam must return, is engraved in Basar the flesh, and the Word, and the Spirit. The East is guarded by Cherubim, and one who returns to his East, the Cherubim open the way back to the tree of life. The turning and flaming sword, the Cherubim, the Word and Spirit, the Flesh are in the East. According to Annick De Souzenelle again, the genetic code DNA carries the fundamental information of the Word and the Spirit, the more subtle at the least immediately observable in our organs. That is why the dead body, cadaver itself could, in favourable moments be the carrier of the evangelic body (Basorah), that which makes the good news tangible, and which she (Annick De Souzenalle) calls ontologic as much as foundational: the body becomes then the awakener. Just adding my own here, we all, Christians must die yet be living as the Bible attests to in the book of Colossians and in Galatians 2:20. I will not quit the body, this temple so precious, if it does not reach the level of consecration (I would demand of the self, being), so as to contemplate in its structures the genetic message of the DNA, carrier of the Word and of the Spirit: The structures which express this primarily, according to Chinese tradition is the Heaven of Man, the head. Tao is born from the head this same tradition says: from it is born Pallas-Athena all cascaded in gold after she had died in front of Zeus, says Greek mythology: finally, and in the eternal principle in which what precedes is memory, it is that of Golgotha, place of the skull, that, in historic time and eternal instant, Christ resurrects in his glorious body. In direct image of the archetypes, the space of ultimate matrix enveloped by the Pia matter and the Dura matter where man recovers his identity and becomes his Name is that one which contains the secret of One which becomes two, and of two which reverts back to one. (One is also a Hebrew name of God). The two cerebral hemispheres, obey the law of archetypal formation induced by the Tetragrammaton (YHWH)-sword. They are the dominant aspects of the two Hes, I say dominant because at the other levels of the body we recover them, in particular at the stage of speech, in the two lungs from which prolong the two hands (of 5 fingers each, and the letter Hey has a value of 5), then to the stage of procreation in the two reins and symmetric formation of the genital organs, from which prolong the two feet, each one with their five toes. In the tree of knowledge, one of these two Hes is the light-accomplished which constructs little by little the Yod, the Holy Name, according to Annick De Souzenelle. The other Hey is the inaccomplished-Darkness, space of all the possible. The first wind is that of the Word, the second is that of the Spirit which moves above the waters of the unconscious, but which also penetrates them, so as to bring the light of the Word to begin to transform the latent darkness into a more intense light. The spirit therefore opens a new day, makes a new earth to emerge, make the conscious to appear. In this perspective, the Hey of the Word is the breath constructed, the thing known, assimilated, conceptualised; the truth of every stage reached, the laws which refers them, the logic which gives them coherence, the ethics they determine, the values which founds and which presides over every necessary institution to construct life: this pole is masculine. By contrast to this Hey, the breath (wind) of the Word, that of the Spirit is a representation which makes a premonition of every potential thing and which makes the confusional to emerge with all its cohort of resonances which are still indistinct but rich in promise of values to the construction of a Word more densified of truth: this pole is feminine. Tracking the two cerebral Hemispheres: the left hemisphere is especially verbal, logical and analytical and scientific, whereas the right Hemisphere is silent, spatial, analogic, synthethic and artistic: the left Hemisphere regulates the orientation inside time, the right Hemisphere inside space. On his own part Professor Israel, in concluding the recent research on the cerebral asymmetry, expresses himself thus: There is definitely an asymmetry of function between the two hemispheres. The left side takes under its dependence language, analysis, verbal memory, the numerical aspect of calculation, the dissection of logical problems. The right side perceives and comprehends emotions, visual relations, spatial relations, it treats information in a global manner,is synthetic and has a knowledge more intensive than analytic. It is also more sensible than the left Hemisphere to music; and always on the subject of music, the authour adds: the rythm and measure are perceived by the left brain, the melody, the timbre, the tone by the right brain. The passages in in quotes above are a tranlation from the essay cerveau droit et cerveau gauche- the right and left hemispheres, by Annick De Souzenelle.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:48:57 +0000

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