THE RIGHT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO REVOLT Posted on September 9, - TopicsExpress


THE RIGHT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO REVOLT Posted on September 9, 2013From the genius of Thomas Jefferson:“The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits.”“To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association—the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.”“I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.”“The god who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.”“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?”“When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne, resistance becomes morality.”“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”————————————————————————In a Constitutional Representative Republic, of which the USA is one, there are equal but separate branches, with no one being the sole power but rather, led by the Executive Branch. For all of the power in our government, it is limited by the Constitution and any breaches of the Constitution should be and must be opposed and if need be, the power and trust given to the Government BY THE PEOPLE, should be forfeited and removed, when THE PEOPLE think it is best, with proven reasons, for their safety and security. For example, it is quite clear that Obama, probably through Eric Witholder, removed the restraints on the NSA in 2011, that the Bush Administration imposed in 2008! It is also quite clear that massive intimidation and likely voter fraud of conservative groups via the IRS was in place and utilized extensively by the Obama Cartel.Moreover, if the Executive Branch, led by Barack Hussein Obama and his various advisers, Sunstein, Power, Rice, Clinton, Kerry, etc, etc, ad nauseum, who have lied, obfuscated, betrayed, undermined, and wrecked this nation’s economy, interests, international standings, etc., are they not at war with the American people? Consider this. Obama puts incompetent idiots like Cass Sunstein (Regulatory Czar) and Carol Browner (EPA) in charge of regulating Ameircan businesses to the point where they are at a standstill. For example, the EPA rules AGAINST American farmers in the Delta using water to water their crops, which feeds the population, all in the name of a bait fish that they declare is sacrosant to the universe. In yet another example, Obama himself disregards not one but TWO rulings of a Federal court to STOP the oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico AND rules against Keystone pipeline in a lame excuse that it threatens the environment. (There are dozens of pipelines all running through that area.) The result is Americans paying MORE at the pumps AND it keeps us bound to foreign oil and thus, propping up Obama’s masters in Saudi Arabia.Is that NOT a tyranny of the government imposing unconstitutional limits on the people AND endangering them, their homes, their livelihoods, etc? Is that not an act of war to DENY people their right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness by denying them food? By forcing them out of their livelihood (farming), and wrecking any hopes for a better future for them AND their children? If Stalin imposing the Holodomor on the Ukrainians was a crime against humanity is not putting 50 million Americans on food stamps, keeping ten million Americans out of the workforce, and destroying businesses a crime against the American people? The national interests? The Constitution? Is not the ALLOWED invasion of the United States of America by ILLEGAL ALIENS, who use benefits and resources NOT alloted to them, by our “leaders”, i.e., Dianne Feinstein who said recently that DHS should simply open the border, a crime against the American people? Treason? An act of war upon our sovereignty?Let us go back to Civics 101 and remember that the very reason that we enter into a society and choose a government is the preservation of our property, the protection of our families from foreign incursions, the protection of our inalienable rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights, and the passage of laws that allows for a peaceful and prosperous society. Yet when the government disregards the will of the people, i.e., ObamaCare, and seeks to do what IT thinks is right, i.e., banning certain foods, certain sizes of sodas, voiding the Second Amendment as in Chicago, it is THE GOVERNMENT that puts themselves into a state of war with the American People and such a state relieves us from any obedience to corrupt laws or the unconstitutional Executive Orders that Obama has used to rein in the American people. For example, consider the Government the Sheriff of Nottingham, of the Robin Hood story. The Sheriff breaches the trust of the people, the Sheriff usurps whatever restraining laws there were against his rule, and thus, he acts against those he is chartered to protect. The people had no one to turn to and thus, revolted. In America they say that the people can and must turn to their Representatives and Senators for relief of their enslaved state yet those same Congressmen/women are corrupt, directly involved in the enslavement, do not give a damn, are violating their oath of office, and continue to ignore the will of the people, i.e., McCain and Graham concerning Amnesty and now the pending attack on Syria.For example, a bum attempts to rob a man at, say, knife point. Upon the man saying no, the bum attacks and is lawfully killed (justifiable homicide). However, if the same bum aligns with other bums and votes to relieve that man of the fruits of his labors through a GOVERNMENT entitlement program creating by bureaucrats acting OUTSIDE of the Constitution, and with no recourse to retake it (consider social security and its coming bankruptcy), is that not hurting said man a hundred times more, simply through the tyranny of the mob assisted and enabled by the government? Is that not robbery through legal means? Obama gives a half a billion dollars, that was taken FROM the taxpayers to support the operations of the government, to a big donor friendly to him, which was subsequently lost through a bankruptcy. Is that not a crime? Is that not an attack on the fruits of other people’s labor? Did not Obama declare war on the interests of the GM bondholders when he vacated their interests, at a wave of his magic wand, in his bailout? Is not the government acting in the same manner as the bum mentioned above for if you refuse to pay what they say you owe in taxes, you go to prison. If you fail to pay the property tax imposed on you by others, even AFTER you pay your mortgage off, you lose your home.The bum uses force to take, the government uses the threat of force to take, and heaps insult to injury by wasting that which they seize through unconstitutional acts, agencies, and entitlement programs. The government possesses the power to enslave, damage, or destroy us, as seen when they turn the NSA/IRS loose on the people, i.e., Wayne Allyn Root, and the average person has no way to fight back against a legion of government lawyers other than an appeal to God! This is an exercise of power that was never lawfully put into their hands and therefore they do not have the right to do it. Thus then, the loss of property, the loss of monies, and the subsequent loss of freedom and liberty, a clear violation of the Law of Nature and our inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, gives THE PEOPLE the right to revolt against those are in a state of war with them and who threaten their destruction through oppression, regulation, excessive taxation, unconstitutional programs, etc., must be declared as just.Indeed, the worse crime against our Republic is and has been the use of force, the threat of force, or the outright usurpation of the Constitution and limits of our Government, i.e., New Deal, undeclared wars, Social Security, Federal welfare programs, NSA, IRS, Operation Fast and Furious, Benghazi, etc., and the lies that have been told by those in government, i.e., Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, John Kerry, etc, in defense of those crimes, thus making them all accessories. Therefore the only common sense recourse left to the American people is that those who have done so MUST be considered the common enemy to the freedom and liberty of the American people and should be treated according to the laws of the land concerning treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors. And should justice therein be denied, then revolution would be justified as long as it is in SUPPORT and DEFENSE of the US Constitution.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 22:09:04 +0000

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