THE RITES OF PASSAGE INITIATIONS Living from the Pure Awareness - TopicsExpress


THE RITES OF PASSAGE INITIATIONS Living from the Pure Awareness of Equanimity Dear Ambassadors of Peace, All evolutionary development is based on the resolution of karma in our planetary system until we reach this initiation. This is the phase in which we authentically enter into the peace that passeth understanding, potentially leaving behind all suffering as we transcend the last vestiges of personal selfishness. Equanimity is our real nature. It is realized from the remembrance and understanding of the one consciousness at play in the weavings of our daily life. It is through Equanimity, combined with intuition and synchronicity as our guide, that we are able to navigate the choppy waters of the materialistic world with grace and ease. With an attitude of indifference, we are unattached to outcomes and focus only upon the task at hand. In this Rite, we are learning to serve through mental detachment as stilled instruments of peace. It is a passage that reflects how to live our daily life from the Absolute Reality. This initiation is the point of truly realizing the eternal moment as the past, present and future existing as one. In this field of expanded perception, all becomes possible. We make the choice to surrender the past as a living imprint in favor of the all encompassing NOW. Defining Equanimity As a result of all of our personal renunciations into selfless identity, we are becoming increasingly aware of our true nature... that of pure awareness. The nature of life on the material plane is just a series of temporal reflections, always changing. From this understanding, we steadily make the transition to living our life within the Absolute Reality, that which is the unchanging pure awareness of the vaster Self. Equanimity is the state of inner stability arising from a deep awareness and the acceptance of what each moment is presenting. From this composure, we are learning to live in the eternal now with an evenness of mind that is undisturbed and unattached to anything of the temporary world. We are simply a witness without any attachment to the doing or to the accomplishment, to fluctuating states of emotion, even to sentiment. All extremes are inwardly resolved and brought to a middle ground such as happy and sad, elation and deflation, excitement and boredom. Neutrality is our way of life. The duality of sides falls away as we cease to be for or against anything. Through our understanding of human evolution, we accept everything just as it is while offering sincere love and compassion to all. Through developed Equanimity, an attractive radiance and warmth naturally exudes from our being. As living generators of peace, we become highly magnetic, attracting all forms of life into our supporting field of harmonious influence. Living the Absolute Reality through Equanimity In the Absolute Reality, there is only one consciousness. It exists in everything. It is the active intelligence in all things that we see, breathe, feel, think, touch and consume. To make contact with and directly experience this one supreme consciousness in all things helps us to grasp the true understanding of Equanimity. When we are in this neutralized awareness, we do not attach to the world, rather, we see the world for what it is as a learning ground for consciousness. Living through our state of Equanimity, we can be in the world but not of it. Present Moment Awareness As evolving masters of wisdom, we are learning to be here and now, in the fullness of presence. As we live our life from the present moment, we free the mind from the trappings of any conjuring reality that there is a past and a future. Worry, stress and anxiety drops away and we become not only the flow, but also the energy behind the flow. We are simply the one observing. Our past experiences are discarded. The past has served its purpose, leaving us with masterful wisdom gleaned through the direct experience. We neither attach a focus to the future as the future is created from the now. Detachment and Impersonality in our Outer Service The greater unveiling of our collective impersonality is the result of an ever-deepening focus on world service in tandem with a higher level of detachment, which makes true help possible. With our attention held firmly upon world need, we may come to know a marked increase in the level of divine indifference to ourselves, our cares, our anxieties and even our successes. Paying no attention to our personality likes or dislikes, our attitude is absolutely neutral towards everything that is regarded as the illusory self and the temporary world. It is only in the spirit of detachment with no personality inclinations that our best work can be accomplished. We are simply the consistent workers giving everything we have to serve the Divine Plan. We are seeking no recognition for the self of any kind. Acknowledgment from others is not necessary. It is through Equanimity that we are transformed into a peace-commanding presence and we stand, together, as a rock of strength. Through this field of stabilized harmony, we are able to effectively respond to the needs of the moment with perfect poise. Silent Indifference We are learning to be silent before the outer sufferings, wasting no time in emotion-filled demonstrations while helping to lift the burdens of the world through our heart-focused and steadfast work. We speak when encouragement is needed, expressing the love of our nature and where it will best serve to ease, bring understanding and transform. We are guided to offer opinions only when asked, foregoing the need to interpret another persons situation from a genuine attitude of non-interference and the refusal to criticize. From a space of silent detachment, may we always remember that everyone is under initiation and we do not necessarily see beneath the surface to another persons truth. As humble agents of Equanimity, we can make the choice to silently accept all as the perfect unfoldment of the Divine Plan. Many blessings on your journey through the portal to 2015! cling cling! Tiara Kumara Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:16:06 +0000

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