THE ROAD GOD IS LEADING YOU ON IS MADE TO BE A SUPERNATURAL JOURNEY (Its a bit long but a really cool true story about how God lead me and leads us on this journey)... My crazy journey with God into what I can only call a supernatural scavenger hunt into destiny, listening to His voice and a lesson on preparation and faith! Anyone who knows me knows I am not good with numbers or remembering dates. A couple months ago I went for a drive to pray and listen to God. I drove down a pretty steep, curvy, narrow road, (Ok so you can imagine the spiritual context here lol) going at a rather slow speed... I got to the bottom and took a right and drove down a road I never had before...I drove quite a ways and realized I needed to turn back so I would not run out of gas so I drove back home. A month or so later I was someplace else at the top of the mountain and saw the name of the street that was the end of the one I had started on a month before and turned around at the bottom of the mountain. Fast Fwd a couple months later to today when I drive down the same curvy rocky mountain rd and take that same rd. to the right only this time I know where I’m going, and I have gas in the car…I know there is an end to the road…I just don’t know how far or long and Im trusting the name of this road is the same one at the top of the mountain. I’m on the paved road and it again starts to climb and get a bit rough and rocky, twists turns, a different side of the mountain, some ruts, narrow. I’m driving slow because there is no other way. I start to wonder if I imagined the end to this road on the other side; but I know I saw it. I keep going, keep going, keep going… and I am seeing so many correlations to our faith walk. I keep going, keep going. Determined not to turn back...yet wondering if I made it up...LOL I look down and the speedometer ends in 14 and God tells me says, “This road will end at 18 and youll be on the main road” …He then says, “ it will even out and be paved soon”… I drive a couple more minutes…nothing happening. Another mile...nothing happening...Still driving a little while later I said, “God even if it doesn’t get easier or paved any time soon. I will trust you and keep moving forward. That you have an expected end and I trust that I am headed where you said I am. I know what I saw! I refuse to let go of what you said and what i saw! (Faith speaks what it can’t see physically but spiritually remembers what God has said and speaks into it)” As I finished the sentence…no joke- the road ahead was paved. (Remember: I have never driven this part nor this far on the road before) and I heard God say…I have my perfect timing and sometimes you need to let go of when you want it or how you want it to be and choose to see and do it my way! At this point the speedometer is at 15 (remember Im driving slow)…yet this road goes on…Literally as I hit 18 I ran into the main road that leads into town…As I’m driving down the road I hear God say…Do you know what day it is…It’s the 18th…. He is saying this to us...I’m fully aware of where you are, what time it is and what part of the journey you are on. I’ll lead you to exactly what I promised when you continue let me lead and matter how the road looks. At that moment I pass by a sign no joke that says, Highway Adopted by Mountain movers ministries...Like anything he has for us… there is a prep time. God is fully aware of where you are and He is leading you to exactly where He said, no matter what the road looks like or how rocky or narrow it is... He will lead you where you need to go- if you let Him do it His way, in His timing. Trying to go down certain roads before you are prepared will leave you with little faith, little gas and stranded on a mountain side. So on this October 18th at 12:34pm, 2013 may you be lead right to where God wants you no matter what your speedometer says…he knows how far and Hes saying it’s time to get to the main road... youre a mountain mover and its time to hit your main road! It’s time for you to say like Caleb, Then;Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.-Numbers 13:30
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:01:41 +0000

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