THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN ENTRENCHING TRIBAL POLITICS Lets reflect on this. Whenever the media invites Jubilee to a debate, the choice is varied. Today its Kindiki Kithure, tomorrow its Duale, the next day it is Murkomen, the next it is Sakaja, and once in a while some leaders from central Kenya. The media basically invites the face of Kenya to represent this tribal government. But when it comes to CORD, its Mbadi, Ugunja MP, ..... most of the time it is someone from ODM in Luo Nyanza. They dont even give Ababu limelight anymore. CORD has a wide representation. I am yet to see a more brilliant debater than Omar Hassan-Mombasa. Leaders like Kalonzo, Wetangula, Nyongo and many in the top coalitions leadership are hotwire when it comes to debates. The question is: why is the media only inviting ODM, especially the Luo legislators to represent a coalition which comprises of not just 3 strong parties, but also a very fair distribution across the country. Are we witnessing a resurgent attempt by a media-backed government to sow discord in CORD? Is there a media-backed strategy to paint ODM and CORD as a Luo outfit? The media should let the relevant party organs to be the ones to nominate leaders to articulate their positions. They can invite individual leaders to take about their respective constituencies, but when it comes to coalition matters, let the coalition send a representative. #MULIKA_MEDIA
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:07:19 +0000

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