THE ROLE OF THE PROPHETIC WORD IN INTERCESSION The sons of Issachar teach us three important principles (1 Chr. 12:32). 32…the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command… (1 Chr. 12:32) 1-Understanding of the times: They had prophetic insight into what God was doing. 2-To know what to do: They knew what Israel should do—practical action. 3-200 chiefs: Their brethren followed their direction—sustained unity. Fulfillment of God’s agenda is accomplished better through teams. These may be intercessory teams holding prayer chains to keep watch 24-7 or they may be Spiritual Territorial Taskforces over regions & nations or Cyrus’ in the marketplace etc. There ought to be strategic positioning to accomplish an agenda. Zimbabwe has just entered into a season of redemption & it requires teams that will corporately rise up and accomplish God’s agenda of the season. Prayer chains should be restored. City Centre Houses of Prayer should be restored where people will converge at any time of the day and pray for their Nation. The difference with past prayer movements is that:- 1-This time they are fueled with prophetic worship-musicians & singers who lead people in prophetic worship. David did this (1 Chr. 9:33; 16:4; 2 Chr. 29:25) and as a result his governance functioned fully in all eight pillars. This ought to be restored in our day. Prophetic intercessory worship will become full-time profession for some people & God is going to release the grace for finances to the church to accomplish this (Hag 2:6, 8, 9) 2-Prayer that is energized by intimacy with God and by beholding His beauty and love (Ps. 27:4). “…To behold the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in His temple.” (Ps. 27:4). This is going to make prayer pleasurable instead of being a drudgery and as a result there is going to be more release of God’s glory & ultimately a great revival. My feeling is that the coming revival will surpass the Azuza Revival-it’s going to be intense, electric & viral and will lead to the raising of a priesthood of believers, establish Jerusalem as a praise in the earth(Isa 62) 7 restore Africa (Isa 19:19ff);bring the Islam’s into the kingdom & transform governments of the earth. 3-We’ll pray for God’s direction by inquiring of the Lord for His will and prophetic strategies. The need of Prophetic Guidance in Intercession “In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the books the number of years which, according to the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass by before the desolations [which had been] pronounced on Jerusalem should end; and it was seventy years. [Jer.25:11, 12; 29:10.] And I set my face to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting and sackcloth and ashes;” Dan. 9:2-3 (AMP) Prophetic revelation is the gas that fuels the tank of intercession. Without continual prophetic guidance and inspiration by the Holy Spirit it is impossible to stay focused and to remain committed in intercession. In order for us to pray effectively and accurately we need accurate and fresh prophetic revelation from God. By prophetic revelation we understand the revelation of what God is saying to us now, for this moment in time. It’s about God’s word to the nation, church and to the individual within the context of where we are presently and where God wants us to be in the future. Prophetic revelation implies: 1) Revelation of Scripture. It’s about the Holy Spirit revealing to us the heart of God for the church, highlighting the truth of God’s word, giving us fresh and clear revelation of God’s blue print for the body of Christ. (Dan. 9:2) 2) The operation of the gift of prophesy as this gift operated through the prophets of the Old Testament and is operating through the body of Christ in the New Testament (1 Cor.12:10 and 1Cor. 14). We believe the operation of the prophetic gift involves more than verbal, inspirational prophesy. It also includes angelic visitations, dreams, visions and signs and wonders in the sky, as well as the subtle impressions of the Holy Spirit in the heart of man. We need to be continually inspired by the prophetic ministry in order to stay faithful to our daily prayer meetings. It’s the prophetic hope that causes our prayers for a coming great visitation of God to be persistent through the many years and the diverse seasons of hardship. Pray for: 1-God to raise prophets in the intercessory rooms and that people will not despise prophesy but should test every prophecy with the Word of God. “do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21 Test everything” (1 Thess 5:20-21) 2-People will built altars of prayer in cities,in the country,in homes,at work places and government institutions.( 2 Chron 1: 5-6; Ezra 3:1-3) 3-Pray for revival to come into nations and that true revival may begin within our hearts as priests & lead to the establishment of holy nations(1 Pet 2:9) 4-May God raise Daniels who will set their heart to understand the promptings of the spirit for their nations(Dan 10:12)
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 05:04:16 +0000

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