THE ROOT>>> CHANGE THE REAL MESSIAHS NAME AND MAMUSCRIPTS FROM HERBEW TO GREEK The Orthodox church preserved the Greek New Covenant manuscripts The true name of the Messiah––was changed in all the surviving Greek manuscripts . Desiderius Erasmus (1466 - 1536).PICTURE( 3) Desiderius Erasmus (1466–153 Erasmus scoured Italy for copies of Greek manuscripts. The true name of the Messiah was changed in all the surviving Greek manuscripts. It was a Greek edition of Erasmus that Saint Martin Luther used to produce his superb German translation. Saint Martin Luther PICTURE( 4) (1483–1546). The Orthodox church preserved the Greek New Covenant manuscripts that survived from the last great pagan persecution under Emperor Diocletian. When Constantinople fell, many of the Greek scholars fled to Italy, bringing their priceless manuscripts with them. This was later to lead to the Renaissance and Reformation. Venice–the adopted homeland of John Cabot–always had a very special relationship with the Eastern Roman Empire: Northern Europe had taken an interest now, too, and its scholars had begun journeying to Italy, where many of them studied with the same Byzantine teachers as the Italians. The Dutch scholar who was the greatest of the northern humanists, Desiderius Erasmus, learned Greek in Venice with Marcus Musurus. Erasmus English friend Thomas Linacre, a doctor and classicist who founded Londons Royal College of Physicians, spent more than a decade in Italy studying Greek with Demetrius Chalcondyles and Politian, and winning his degree in medicine from the university of Padua. Linacre was Erasmus and Sir Thomas Mores doctor, and the close friend of another English humanist, John Colet, who had also studied in Italy. The German humanist Johannes Reuchlin had come to Italy in the 1480s, where he studied Greek with John Argyropoulos in Rome. (Wells, Sailing from Byzantium, p. 113) Erasmus of Rotterdam was the intellectual giant of the Renaissance in Europe. He was the most learned man of his age. Every university in Europe vied for the honor of having him as a member of their faculty. He was also the editor of the Greek New Testament that Saint Martin Luther used to launch the blessed Reformation. It was said that Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched. Erasmus had nothing but contempt for the corrupt clergy. His father and mother, Gerard and Margaret Brandt, are the subjects of The Cloister and the Hearth. William Tyndale used the same Byzantine text as Saint Martin Luther in his superb English translation of the New Covenant.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 11:14:51 +0000

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