THE RULE OF the Zionist Jew in modern times is nearly one of an - TopicsExpress


THE RULE OF the Zionist Jew in modern times is nearly one of an absolute monarch of a country. The Jews, through their complete domination of world finance and banking — through their malignant monopoly of the mass media of America, Britain, France, Canada and other Western powers — through their influential and vast network of subversive “lobby groups” — through their dominion over the courts and law profession in general — not to mention their pernicious presence inside the highest levels of government of the most powerful countries — have thus taken full control of the entire planet . Former Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, explained: “The Jews rule this world by proxy, they get others to fight and die for them… They have now gained control of the most powerful countries … This tiny community have become a world power.” Zionism and Communism are but two arms of the Jewish World Swindle. AIPAC controls and rules America ..., America is not an independent country; it is slave to Zionist interests where AIPAC, an entity that serves the interests of the Zionist State is not registered as a foreign agent. AIPAC, not Obama rules America. Long before Americans get a chance to elect their members of Congress, every congressional aspirant must pass the loyalty test: pay homage to Israel. Candidates, whether running for the House of Representatives or the Senate, receive a letter from the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) demanding to know their position on issues affecting Israel. Most questions have to do with aid to Israel or with aggressive policies the Zionist State is pursuing against other countries such as Iran. If candidates are not 100% in support of Israel or the position outlined by AIPAC, they are targeted and vilified through a dirty smear campaign often leading to their defeat. The Zionist entity is the largest recipient of US aid in the world; no other country comes close. The Israel lobby, or simply the “Lobby” since it has become so powerful that few confuse it with any other lobby in the US, is a well-healed machine that works 24/7 to advance Israel’s agenda. While it acts on behalf of a foreign government, it has not registered as an agent of a foreign government as required by US law.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 22:41:01 +0000

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