THE SACRED LANGUAGE OF THE PRIMORDIALS By Dale Decker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a time long past tomorrow when the lands and the waters of the earth where shaped very differently there was one knowledge shared by long vanished races of the human flock. It was called the AGELESS WISDOM. It was a gift from the SONS OF LIGHT to some of the first races who became our forefathers. They taught humanity how to see universal truths and divine wisdom within special images that our forefathers could carve, paint, or record in whatever means necessary to preserve and teach the AGELESS WISDOM. This special form of communication was and is still known as SENZAR. In 1868 an ancient mysterious book whose origins was somewhere in central Asia was being decoded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky(1831-1891) founder of the modern theosophical society. The book was called the BOOK OF DZYAN which was not a book that the modern mind understands. It was a book of symbols and pictures written on palm-leaves and preserved by some unknown mysterious process. The symbols and pictures of this strange compilation portrayed some important sublime truths that would be revealed to the world once again just as it was known in the primordial past of our forefathers. During Blavatskys travels through Tibet and India she learned and was instructed by the wise of these two countries who revealed to her the primordial teachings that the Book of Dzyan portrayed in the symbolic picture language of senzar-the language of the sun. In 1888 twenty years later the BOOK or STANZAS OF DZYAN was translated into a written language by Blavatsky and it became the foundation of her gargantuan book of two volumes of over fifteen hundred pages: THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Her magnum opus of esoteric lore deciphered from the symbolic picture language of senzar. The word SENZAR comes from a long and forgotten spoken language that was spoken by the ancestors of those races who became the ancestors of those who became known for speaking Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese and many more languages. The civilisation who utilised the original senzar picture language of the ageless wisdom where a race that inhabited Central Asia when an inland sea covered the area were the Gobi Desert is presently located. Within this inland sea there was an island called the White Island(Svera-Dwipa) which was inhabited by superhuman or godlike beings called the SONS OF LIGHT who were the forefathers of our present humanity. These mysterious beings were forced to leave their island as great cataclysms and geological changes caused the inland sea to drain and finally disappear about 10 000 years ago. These superhuman sons of light migrated westward and southward carrying their knowledge(the senzar picture language) with them. Some of them travelled to the middle east, Egypt, Tibet, and India. Some of them became the first Brahmins(Hindu Priesthood) who preserved the symbolic picture language(senzar) of the ageless wisdom which was transmitted to various lands and taught in the ancient mystery schools. The occult books also say that the original senzar symbolic picture language became divided. The first was the esoteric symbolic picture images embodying the truths of the ageless wisdom found and seen by Blavatsky in the Book of Dzyan, the second form became the exoteric picture language of the spoken languages of the ancient middle east, egypt, and india. It became the sanskrit, arabic, hebrew, coptic, etc. The first esoteric form was preserved, guarded, and used by the eastern adepts to teach the initiates the ageless wisdom. The esoteric senzar language cannot be spoken but it can be translated into any spoken language so the knowledge can be read and spoken. To experience how the translation of the esoteric symbols of the language(senzar) of the adepts is portrayed i refer the readers to the first chapter(proem) of H.P. Blavatskys Secret Doctrine. THE END!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:37:44 +0000

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