THE SAINT LAIKA EUCHARIST THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY As far as Im concerned you are all 100% perfect my little angels, but you know that Jesus - always nagging us to do that little bit better. And he does so in spades in our reading from the gospel this week. Fortunately Ive chosen a whole load of brilliant tunes (some sensible, some crazy) to take your mind off the penalty for not living up to expectations and theres also an opportunity to say sorry to God in the service which will get you off the hook for the rude thing you said about Justin Welby the other day (actually I think that may have been me). Theres songs from The The, Counting Crows, Timmy Thomas, The Potters Field, Matt Munro and Billy Connolly amongst many others. The mass setting is by Francisco Guerrero and the sermon is by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. The whole caboodle finishes in style with the anthemic O.K., Tomorrow Ill Be Perfect by the punk rock group, Stella. Surely I must have sold it to you by now so click on the link below and follow the instructions. If you enjoy it and youre feeling even slightly flush perhaps you would drop a few coins in the collection plate. Oh, and I would be ever so pleased if you would share the link with your online friends and maybe even pop on over to the St Laikas Facebook page and click on LIKE if you have not done so already. If Im going to make a success of this global domination thing I will need your help. Thank you. As you were. Oh, I nearly forgot. Heres the link to our Facebook page: https://facebook/stlaikas
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 09:51:07 +0000

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