THE SCORE One score years and many days ago This body was sold to - TopicsExpress


THE SCORE One score years and many days ago This body was sold to the District, Retained my ownership of soul. Inexperienced, in teaching, callow, But you know, you learn a lot in a traveling band and construction. Why a teacher? Fell in love with reading at three Read the King James Bible at eight Writing poetry by thirteen Shakespeare’s euphemisms by fifteen: “She would not ope her lap to my saint-seducing gold.” Saxy entertainer by sixteen I read a lot of books on the road. Why a teacher? You know, each class is a show—they pay attention, they know I read a lot of books on the road A member of The Book of the Week, Heinlein made me a Sci-fi geek! Why a teacher? Real teachers, prejudiced teachers, ivory tower teachers, crooked over-reachers, Freedom of speech, Commie witch hunts, Vietnam, college, the draft, Human rights violations, civil rights violations, personal rights violations, Cointelpro violations, MLK Jr., Cesar Chavez, Allen Ginsberg, Tule Kupferberg Freedom of the press, the right to redress; Banned books and blue-nosed gophers. Why be a teacher? Art, science, nature, free will, music, literature, dance Equality, equity, equal opportunity, generosity Help the young charges take what is rightfully theirs: Teaching the way they learn, the way they earn, The way they return, for what they yearn, Burning for the future To make their education easier to own than a silver bullet, a snake oil patent, Or a one-size-fits-all muumuu that “fits all”, while giving almost everyone fits! Experiment with the students, not on them. Why be a teacher? To enforce equality over uniformity Embrace diversity over over-normalcy Don’t tolerate intolerance Or mediocre governance. Why should you be a teacher? There’s a world Elders know that makes lampshades out of people Subjects out of people, objects out of people, mass graves out of people, And prophets out of the oppressed. Why you should a teacher be: Make ladies and men gentle who can be critical and ethical Out of children so to beat The Man at his own game, Who are innovative, have choices, and still do the right thing, Erudite, sophisticated, articulate, aesthetic, eschew snobbery, Not thinking someone’s better just because they’re better off, Embracing all ancestries, persuasions, cultures and religions As each other’s sovereign right Know that smart is hot Know that the only cool people are the ones who don’t care if they’re cool or not. Why you should be a teacher: Help unwrap the cocoon that keeps the folks from spreading their wings Trying out their wings, and using their wings to soar, and trying new things Give him a band aid, give her a challenge, give them unconditional love And time to roar. Make them feel wanted, valid, worthwhile, important, secure, count their own blessings Able to make their own way, in their own chosen path, in their own chosen way. That is true freedom. Achieving human beingdom, the better solution The reason we had a revolution. You should be a teacher: Take your revolutions where you need Be renegades ‘til the bullies are shamed by the light Know the bully’s anger is also his fright Little insurrections have earned your protections, made big unifications And true collaboration possible To make sure a student’s education is profitable—billfold, home and heart. Bless the children and be the blessings you want them to be; Do this and your progeny Will have a better chance To be free. --CL Hodge
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:36:27 +0000

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