THE SCOURGE OF EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE CONTD.. SECTION.3. EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE IN AFRICA. Ebolavirus disease being the disease caused by the so called EBOLAVIRUS started it outbreak in the 70s.The outbreak first occur in Congo but lasted for a short period of time. In 1997,the outbreak of EBD occurred in Uganda but it hibernated because it never reach it apex of destruction in the life of human.EBD also occurred in Seria leone back in 2011 but it hibernated as well with alittle dealth tolls. During all these reigns of EBD in those countries,the number of victims was not much and it was not recognised as a major deadly disease in the history of man.Now in the year 2014,traced back to Guinea on February,the so called EBD started it scourge and not recognised worldwide untill it spread to another country thereby increase it death toll7.EBD has been recognised as the world deadlist disease because of it death tolls recorded so far.As at August 2014,WHO announced that,the death tolls of EBD has reached over 1200victims,a world record disease killer since its outbreak begin on February in Guinea. People in all the affected countries like Guinea,seria leone,Liberia and Nigeria have served as threat to the livimg of other country around them.Now,Africa continent serve as a death continent for other continents around the world. Before now,other continent do not even like black skinned Africa people and they do descriminate in so many ways. The outbreak of EBD has made Africa continent famous among others like never before.EBD is very dangerous and contagious than HIV/AIDS which was regarded as the world deadly disease before.People do not know why EBD spread in a very fast means.Let me have a say on the MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF EBD....
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 20:47:22 +0000

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