THE SCRIPTURAL PRINCIPLES FOR A HAPPY, GODLY HOME: Colossians 3:18, 19. 1 Peter 3:4-7. Building a godly home is like building a good house; it needs a prayerful, thoughtful, careful preparation. The architect’s design and our purpose and use of the house must be clear before a good house can be built. Adequate resources will also be needed from time to time both for building and maintenance. Building a godly home is no less demanding. Without consulting the Divine Architect, our homes will fall short of the desired glory and beauty. Before choosing a life-partner, each Christian man or woman should ask God for His plan and choice. The intending home builder must patiently wait for the Architect’s design before starting to build. Many houses have collapsed because of the unfaithfulness of builders who do not follow the architect’s design and specifications. Short-cuts can be costly and dangerous. Many homes have broken and caused sorrow and heartache because of our neglect of the Divine plan and pattern. God can take bitter and broken homes and make them better and blessed homes. At whatever time we bring a shattered life or family to God, He can remould and renew, to give us happy, godly lives and homes. Come to Christ and give Him a chance to make your life better and your home blessed. BEGINNING WITH THE SELECTION PROCESS: Eccl.7:8; 6:12; 8:7; Pro.19:14; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Deut. 7:1- 4; Amos 3:3; Matthew 7:7-11; Daniel 2:28a,22; Proverbs 25:2. Marriages that are started with God and kept in God’s Hands end in godly homes with good things. If we allow God, Who knows the end from the beginning, to choose for us, we shall be protected from many problems that ruin many lives and tear many families apart. We make foolish choices in life when we look back and look around instead of looking up and looking forward. Those who are careless and prayerless about choosing life-partners may suffer and regret throughout their lives. One of the causes of unhappy homes and painful unions is the unequal yoke. If a child of God marries a child of the devil, he is certain to have trouble with his father-in-law. And when a Christian man marries a lady who has some connection with the mermaid spirit, he will have trouble with his mother-in-law. The unequal yoke causes much problem to the flesh and often leads to a life-time of painful consequences. The result may be hell on earth and a loss of heaven in eternity. It is important not to belittle the selection process. Don’t take the decision lightly. Don’t rationalize in your mind; what you know in your heart will not be spiritually and eternally beneficial. Let God have His way. Let God choose for you. BUILDING WITH A SCRIPTURAL PATTERN: 1 Peter 3:4 -7; Ephesians 5:22-25, 28-33; Romans 15:1-3; 1 John 3:16 -18; Joshua 24:15; Esther 1:20; 1 Timothy 3:11; 1 Samuel 1:8. The scriptural pattern is God’s design for a happy and godly family. No one can improve on what the Divine Architect has already designed. If the Christian couple will follow God’s revealed plan and pattern in His Word, their home will be a little heaven on earth and their earthly joy will increase to eternal joy in heaven forever. Joy and growth in the home do not happen unless we work at it. A marriage left to itself will deteriorate. The Bible passages about marriage and the family are not neutral statements, they are not suggestions, they are commands. “Husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge”. “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands”. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church. “Let the wife see that she reverence her husband”. If we could not obey, the Lord would be mocking us by commanding us to do what we could not do. God is not demanding the impossible. His grace is sufficient for each of us. We can build our homes according to the scriptural pattern. We can love and live together in peace. Some are in the early stages of their marriage, some have been through rough times, and some might be at the very edge of being torn apart. Stop? Invite Christ into the home, hope and joy await you. Let the Great Master-Builder rebuild your home. THE BASIS OF A SATISFACTORY PARTNERSHIP: 1 Peter 3:6,7; Romans 12:10; Ephesians 4:31,32; Colossians 3:18,19; Proverbs 16:24; Proverbs 31:11,12,26; Ecclesiastes 9:9. Partnership, true partnership, is indispensable in a happy marriage. Partnership in all its ramifications - fellowship, companionship, togetherness, sharing, cooperation, agreement, harmony, cordiality, communication - cements and glues the family together. In a happy and godly family where such satisfactory partnership exists, there will be chastity and commitment to each other, good communication, cheerful disposition and openness to each other, courtesy and mutual respect, gentleness, care and kindness at all times, shared interest in each other’s concerns and mutual consideration of each other’s needs. Families live joyfully and walk on their troubled water when there is personal appreciation and praise from each other. A Christian couple who has been happily married for many years revealed one of their secrets of their happy home: “Every day we give each other some simple compliment. And every week we pay each other a new compliment. Forty-four years by 52 weeks equals 2,888 times we say nice special things about each other. No wonder we are absolutely fond of each other. You need to love and cherish your partner daily and let him/her know it. That is how to build a warm, loving, enduring marriage - a marriage that keeps going and growing. MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE AND HOME A HAPPY ONE WHERE EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY IS LOVED, ACCEPTED AND HAPPY TO BELONG.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:56:37 +0000

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