THE SEAL OF MUHAMMADAN SAINTHOOD SEYYIDINA SHAYKH AHMAD TIJANI (RA). Part I: HIS LINEAGE & BIRTH: This is a small summary of Seyyidina Shaykh Ahmad Tijanis life (May God be satisfied with him). A famous master in Sufism whose name is Sidi Mokhtar El Kounty (May God be satisfied with him), had declared that the 12th century of the Hegira was comparable to that of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) in many aspects and it was in that particular moment that the Seal of Mohammadian Sainthood would appear. In fact, in 1737/38 (1150 from the Hegira) Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mokhtar Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him) was born in a small town of Algerian desert, Ain Madhi. He was the son of the very pious and well learned Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mokhtar Tidjani (May God be satisfied with him) and the lofty and honorable ‘Aïcha (May God be satisfied with her). They were of a noble lineage where one could find several gifted scholars and saints. We can mention as an example his fourth ancestor who owned in his house a special small room where he used to go alone to practice spiritual devotions. He was continuously shut in his room and nobody was allowed to enter that dwelling. He had reached a high degree of spirituality which compelled him to wear a veil from his room of meditation to the mosque and from the mosque to his room again when he was back home. Indeed those who would see his face, even if it was just a second, could not stop watching it, otherwise they would die, what compelled him to do so for 23 years. Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (May God be satisfied with him) was from a Sherifian lineage, that is to say, his family tree could be traced back to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) from Seyyidina Ali and Fatima (May God be satisfied with them) by way of their son Hassan (May God be satisfied with him) but he did not testify it before having asked this question to the Prophet himself (Peace and blessings be upon him) when he saw him in a state of waking. He answered him three times: “Indeed you are my son.” Then he added: “Your lineage from Hassan, Ali’s son is authentic.” Thus, it is in this environment of faith, science and sainthood that was born and grew up Seyyidina Ahmed Tijani (May God be satisfied with him). His family was scrupulously applying the teaching of the Quran and the Sunnah in its daily life. His father called and encouraged people to carry out good deeds, urged men and women to live accordingly to the Sunnah while he was fighting against any innovation, without fearing for ALLAH’s sake alone, to be wronged by anybody; he was loved and respected. As it often happened, his father used to be visited by spiritual beings (Ruhaniyat) coming to meet all his needs, he would reject them and told them: “Leave me alone with ALLAH. I do not want to have any other link, but that of ALLAH.” People often came to see him in his house and their only purpose was to remember ALLAH. To be continued... © Pa Amadou Sohna. Jazallahu anhu Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 05:30:17 +0000

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