THE SECOND PART OF THAT AMAZING 10TH CHAPTER OF MATTHEW I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as wolves. Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles.... (Matthew 10:16ff.) Previously, we made the point that Matthew 10:5-15 contains temporary, one-time only instructions for that trial preaching run on which the disciples were sent. But Matthew 10:16-42 fits the Lords people from that day to this one. Everything about it is current and timely. HARD TIMES COMING. 10:16-25. Gods people need to know going in that the present world system (and its lackeys) will not appreciate what we are trying to do here: Unshackle its prisoners and set them free in Christ. So, they will react in anger and great hostility. To this day, followers of Jesus Christ all over the world are often paying huge prices for confessing Him. NO FEAR ALLOWED. 10:26-31. Three times the Lord Jesus says His people are not allowed to fear, and gives a reason each time. In 10:26, everything done in secret will be revealed. In 10:28, the worst they can do is send you to heaven. And in 10:31, you are of great value to the Father. TOTAL COMMITMENT IS THE ONLY WAY. 10:32-39. We are to confess Jesus before others. We are to put Him above everyone and everything. We are to lay our lives on the line for Him, knowing He may take it. PROMISES, PROMISES, PROMISES. 10:40-42 When people receive us, they are receiving Jesus. Amazing promise. Anyone we help in the Lords work, we share in their reward. Even something so inconsequential as a cup of cold water in Jesus name brings eternal rewards. We would do well to live in Matthew 10:16-42 until its warnings, commands, and promises become part of our very lives.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:15:45 +0000

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