THE SECRETS OF PROSPERITY GOSPEL PREACHERS The gospel today is seen by many as the route to financial gains and wealth. This is virtually all one hears from sermons coming from most pulpits especially those that call themselves prosperity preacher. The bible however clearly warns in 1Tim 6:5 of such: ...people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gains. That the gospel of Jesus is being corrupted and seen by many so called prosperity preachers as a means to wealth and financial gains is no longer news. What is worrisome is the ease with which most of their followers buy into their falsehood and are hoodwinked into believing their promises contrary to the true promises of the gospel. The above quoted scripture is unequivocal that the gospel, the very heart and essence of Christianity is not a money making mantra and should never be seen as such. It is evidently clear that one need not be a Christian before he can prosper financially. For the avoidance of doubt what the gospel of Jesus promises is deliverance from sin and reconciliation back to God- the true prosperity of those who are truly Christians. The question then arises, why are many being held captives by the prosperity preachers?. In trying to find answers, I saw similarities between the fall of Lucifer and what is presently happening, which Apostle Paul rightly foresaw. It is only those with corrupt minds, who have been robbed of the truth by the Devil or who focus on self and ambitions sale and buy the prevailing falsehood that the gospel of Jesus is a means to financial gains and wealth. The merchandizing of the gospel is the product of depraved and corrupted minds just like the corruption and fall of Lucifer. Their similarities are quite profound if one can reflect on the two. Lucifer fell because he corrupted his mind and also because of his wide spread trade(merchandizing) Eze. 26:16 which is similar to what we see today. Again I equally found answers in Philip Yanceys illustrations which are based on the beautiful poem in Dostoevskys book The Brothers Karamazov titled the Grand Inquisitor. In that masterpiece it was clearly stated that the three temptations of Jesus illustrated why it is so easy to merchandize the gospel. The church had recognized the errors of Jesus in turning down the temptations and have chosen to correct it. The corrupted church and prosperity preachers now rely on Miracles, Mystery and Authority in furthering their quest at creating money spinning enterprises. They have long, as the Grand Inquisitor declared, that because of Jesus errors by rejecting the offers of the Devil, that the Inquisitor MUST execute Jesus one more time, lest he hinders the work and prosperity of the church. These positions which I have termed the secrets of the Prosperity Preacher are aptly captured in Dostoevskys book as declared by the Grand Inquisitor; He(Jesus) should have followed advice and performed the miracles on demand in order to increase his fame among the people. He should have welcomed the offer of authority and power. Did Jesus not realize that people want to worship what is established beyond dispute? Instead of taking possession of mans freedom, you increased it, and burdened the spiritual kingdom of mankind with suffering for ever. You desired mans free love, that he should follow you freely, enticed and taken captive by you In deed prosperity preachers have simply accepted what the Devil offered during the temptations of Jesus and have been deploying them as them means of holding men captive and profiting from the gospel contrary to the examples of Jesus who totally rejected them. What Jesus stoutly rejected the church and in particular prosperity preachers are brazenly deploying as the means of building their financial empires. They are promising to turn stones into bread and to guarantee safety and security for all their followers in exchange for one simple thing- their freedom. Prosperity gospel mantra has become the new church because it is found on miracle, mystery and authority as was communism. One thing is certain it will soon collapse as communism did, when people begin to unlock the secrets of their proponents as this piece has clearly shown. For those who bothered to read to the end, enjoy your weekend even as you reflect on these truths.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:00:35 +0000

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