THE SECTIONAL MUSLIMS ARE CAUSING MORE PROBLEMS BY THE DAY IN THE HIGHER INSTITUTIONS. All perfect praise and adorations be to Allaah; We beseech His peace and blessings upon the Noble Prophet Muhamaad(sollallaahu alayhi wasallam) who was neither a suufi, Tableeghee, Shitee e.t.c but was a muslim. In many higher Institutions were muslims are found seeking knowledge; there was a great necessity to bring these muslims togther to educate them upon what their Lord and His Prophet had prohibited them from and permitted them upon. Therefore the name MSSN(Muslims students soceity of Nigeria) was cropped out so as to bring the students together to educate them upon what their deen also require from them. Definitely no-one comes into a higher institution and rebukes being a student except if you were a lecturer or a part of the non-teaching staff. Unfortunately; the Umbrella of the MSSN was not enough to withhold the muslims creed due to the differences in that exist in aqoohid caused by no-one but Shaytaan. So some muslims started holding Najwa(secret meetings) within the campus all in the aim of establishing and spreading the evils of their own sects. This is such that if you find them in their secrecy they become silence and continue afterwards. Allaah says regarding najwa in suuratu mujaadala that: Indeed an-najwa(secret counsel) is from shaytaan which he uses to cause discomfort within the believers..... These muslims therefore had their way through the ever porous Campus Muslim Community by establishing their own sects activities and also calling to it. Such that you would find: Orientation week of Muslims Students society. Orientation week of Tijanniyya Muslims Students society. Orientation Week of Ahmadiyya Muslim Students society. And so on. It is so worst that if a brother or sister whom we expect that normally should attend the MSSN programs as a student would inform that: Oh am Tijaniyya! Our program too is going on at so and so Hall. It is indeed really disheartening as this indeed is one of the ways the muslims are divided. May Allaah ease our affairs.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:28:57 +0000

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