THE SEVEN(7) BIBLICAL WAYS & STRATEGIES of DEFEATING the DEVILS are as follows ; (1) IDENTIFY the devil in your woes, pain, problems and situations! Devil is the secret initiator and fabricator of every evil ! 2Cor:11, Eph3:8-God want us to comprehend this! This was the greatest error of Job ! Many will even foolishly say remove the devil from this No devil must be identified and dealth with! Secondly(2)LET the devil find nothing in you like JESUS ! - John14;30. Do you have his character,sin or property? Isa, 59:1-10 ; He is the father of sin,thieves and destruction! Thirdly(3)PUT ON GODS TOTAL ARMOUR! The quality of your amour determines how far you can go. Eph,6;10-15& 2Cor10;4. You cant fight the devil with another devil, with your instrument or his instrument, but the power of Gods might! FIFTHLY(5)AUTHURITATIVELY CAST Devils out - Dont appease or appeal to the devil. If you are born again you are empowered already to do this ,Amen .Math28v18 , Mark16v17-18 !Rom 8: 11. The Spirit you have inside of you is older and greater than all the devils. Amen. SIXTHLY(6) LET GOD REBUKE THE DEVIL AS you pay YOUR THITHE ! God Himself will fight the devil if you are a legal faith tithe payer ! Mal,3:10-11.! SEVENTHLY (7)Praise and worship GOD with spirit of lowliness from your heart! Psalm 100-105. With all instrument! With your soul,spirit and body! Worship Him for His Spirit lodge in you! Satan cannot withstand any worshipping saints Says the unquencheable Spirit of God. Focus on God not man or denomination! Amen. Alleluja JESUS IS LORD.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:19:59 +0000

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