THE SEVEN ANNUAL CHURCH FESTIVALS COMMANDED IN THE BIBLE 1. The PASSOVER - which pictures our acceptance of Christs shed blood as payment for our sins. 2. The DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD - picturing how we must put out sin, and our need to grow in grace and knowledge after we have accepted Christs sacrifice. 3. The DAY OF PENTECOST or FIRSTFRUITS - which pictures the fact that very few are being called in this age - yet we are indeed the firstfruits of the billions of people who will be called after Christ returns as King of Kings. 4. The FEAST OF TRUMPETS is commanded, which reminds us that Jesus Christ will return at a time of war and strife, as trumpets picture a warning of impending trouble. 5. The DAY OF ATONEMENT - check Acts 27:9 6. The FEAST OF TABERNACLES pictures the coming Millennial reign of Christ, a time of joy and prosperity. 7. This final FEAST - a special solemn observance on the Last Great Day, right after the seven-day east of Tabernacles - pictures that awesome time called the Great White Throne Judgment when these untold billions of human beings are given their first genuine opportunity to know the Truth and obtain salvation. For the Book of Life is opened and they are able to be judged by what they do one they are given a genuine understanding. - check Rev 20:11-13
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 22:25:15 +0000

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