THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP 1) Leadership is Predetermined, not Preference - it is not something you do; it is something you are! You cannot retire from it, as a bird you cannot retire from flight! 2) Leadership is a Prepared Position - In Gods kingdom, everybody has a place set aside. It is a leadership position, and it is prepared for you. God predesigned your spot before He made you! 3) Leadership demands a Price - to get to your spot, you have to pay a price. Jesus said, You have to drink the cup to sit in your spot! It is a process of preparation, training, development and refinement! 4) Leadership is Inherent - it is not given to you by request or prayer. You are born with it. Whether you develop it, use it, actualize it, is totally up to you, but the capacity is built in! God built in this unique component called the will. We can decide to not be what we are supposed to be! 5) Leadership is a Divine Deposit - We do not get to decide what our leadership gift is. It is deposited in our very being. God has arranged this! 6) Leadership is Not For You but For Others - what you were born to do is to serve. Your gift is not for you but for others. Leadership is service! 7) Leadership is Becoming Yourself for the Benefit of Others - it is not something you do; it is something you become! Ask yourself: Who am I? What is my gift? How and whom can I serve?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:58:09 +0000

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